

08月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于春节的英语作文怎么写]Spring Festival When December ends,Spring Festival is coming.I love Spring festival because I can get red packets from relatives.I can also have a big dinner.I...+阅读


My father

My father is a businessman. He sells computers. He is a tall and strong man. He is very kind to my mother and me. He is warmharted and always help the people who is in trouble. He doesn't like going to movies and watching TV at home, but he likes reading newspaper in the evening. He isn't good at talking, but only like to do something well. Sometimes he is very busy, and he can stay another place for several weeks. But when he comes back home, he can bring some interesting things to me. I love my father, and I am also proud of my father.




Father's Love

Mother's love wi people's praises for its selfle e . In fact, father's love is as great as that. They bury their love in the deep bottom of their hearts and will never show it. My father is of this kind. I remembered once I felt ill. Mother wa 't at home at that moment. Father acted as a father and as a mother as well. When he came home from work, he would cook di er for me first. The way he fed me made me think of my kind and tender mother. His eyes were full of love and expectation. I did feel a father's love at that time.


重读父爱 走在街上,看见一个父亲骑着自行车驮着孩子。于是我猛然想起了曾经那个熟悉伟岸的身影,心中却多了几分羡慕。 我的父亲和别人的父亲不一样。他是一个极其固执的人,他骑着自行车时总爱低个头,躬着背,一句话也不说。 一次在父亲接我回家的途中,我的膝盖被一辆三轮车擦破了一大片皮,布满零星的血点。一向沉默的父亲看见了,当场大吵起来:“你这个人怎么走道的?看没看见这有孩子啊?你……”那人连忙道歉,父亲依然不肯善罢甘休。忽然我感到全世界人的目光都在看着我们,脸滚烫,我对父亲嚷嚷道:“人家不是已经道歉了么?喊什么?丢不丢人!”父亲忽然没声了,看了我半天,然后安静地又低着投,躬着背,骑着自行车……从那以后,我们好几天没说过一次话,家长会也不让他参加,经常让爷爷或妈妈往。

有一天,大雨如倾盆。刚放学的我不知如何是好,就当我着急得团团转时,在朦胧中看到了那熟悉的身影——骑着车,低着头,躬着背。心中油然而生一种热和却又抱怨起他为什么没有带伞——他总是那么丢三落四。路上,一辆汽车奔驰而过,在前面红灯前停下。我和父亲尝到了倾盆中的倾盆。一向沉默的父亲有一次无畏地走向前往冒着大雨与司机争吵起来。我有一次生气得脸通红,刚要叫他,记忆的画面却在一瞬间定格。在雨中,看着他那弓如弦月弯似犁的背,看着他在风雨中指指画画,我沉默了,鼻子酸酸的,致使全身打了一个战栗。于是,雨水、汗水、泪水,不约而同地交融在一起,汇成一股热流,流淌进了心田…… 361度作文 回到家,我对父亲装作若无其事地说:“明天开家长会。

”父亲愣了一下,然后笑笑说:“行,等你妈回来我就转告她一声。”我说:“不,我是让您往。”父亲又愣了一下:“怎么?”我的眼睛里噙满了泪水,再也忍不住,说道:“无论你怎样的跟人家争吵,怎样的固执,无论是曾经、现在还是未来,您永远都是我爸,我永远都是您的女儿!” 不久,我们搬家了,有了更大的屋子,买了辆便捷的汽车,然而父亲的自行车依旧天天停放在家门口,等待着我与父亲的欢喜到来。 父爱是一口深深的井,我用尽一生也丈量不出那口载满爱的井有多深。 父爱是一本深沉而厚厚的书,需要天下儿女耐心地再一次品读。 实在,父爱更是那辆破旧的自行车,躬着背,静静地旋转着车轮,载我走向远方…… 专家点评: 详略得当,虚实相生,是本文的两大特色,……内容更丰富、更生动。


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