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[关于梦想的英文句子]关于梦想的英文句子 1、“Two gates there are for dreams,” said Penelope to Odysseus after his ten years' wandering had ended. “One made for horn and one of for...+阅读


Bill Gates,heads of computer software company Micsoft , is one of the richest man in the world.He has US$68billion. In a good year , he earns about US$1 million an hour . Bill Gates was born just after 9 p.m.on 28 October,1955 in Seattle , Washington ,USA.At school,he wrote computer programs for the lesson timetables.While he was still at school,he started a software firm to porcess traffic date. Then he went to Harvard University to study Math brfore completing his degree,he left to start a company calles Microsoft .He was a billinaire by the age of 31.HE owns 20 Ferraris,a US$21million private plant and lives in a US$48-million home by Lake Washington ,Seattle, USA. The house has bathouse as well as a car park big enough for hundreds of cars. The swimming pool has a 20 meter-high waterfall.Computers control everything,even how hot the water in bath.There is pricate arcade and a pricate cideo arcade and a trampoline room.Guests wear radio transmitters which control the temperature ,lights and music automatically.


The light was filled with blood。 Beginning step in social .Dreams do entrepreneurs, successful people, earn more money. In fact, the dream differ from man to man. Recall. Did our childhood dreams and dream now changed? Yes, they did. No effect of environment and education. I believe that there are 99% people dream of change constantly. I just want to say.No matter what you dream.Please ask yourself today than yesterday,Do you make progress? Your progress every day, is it so? I Want to have own dream in advance 年 轻人满腔热血,初踏社会,都梦想着做企业家,成功人士,挣更多的钱。其实梦想因人而异,回想一下。我们儿时的梦想和现在的梦想变了吗?是的,变了。没有环境和教育的影响,我相信有99%的人梦想在不断地变化,我只是想说,不管你的梦想是什么,请每天问自己今天的你是不是比昨天的你进步了,它是这样吗?是不是想着自己的梦想在前进!

找 I Dreamed A Dream quot的中文意思

I dreamed a dream -- 我做了一个梦 There was a time when men were kind 曾有一度人们是良善的 When their voices were soft 那时他们的声调温柔 And their words inviting 字语动人 There was a time when love was blind 曾有一度爱情是盲目的 And the world was a song and the song was exciting 世界就像一支动人的旋律 There was a time 那是过往的时光了啊 Then it all went wrong 后来一切都变了 I dreamed a dream in time gone by 我梦见在梦境中过往的时光 When hope was high 抱持著崇高的盼望 And life worth living 生活充满了生命力 I dreamed that love would never die 我梦见爱永不止息 I dreamed that God would be forgiving 我梦见了上帝的宽容 Then I was young and unafraid 那时我年轻无惧 And dreams were made and used and wasted 梦想被打造也被消磨 There was no ransom to be paid 无原由的挥豁殆尽 No song unsung, no wine untasted 未唱的歌,未嚐的美酒啊 But the tigers come at night 而老虎(此只危机)总是在夜晚出没 With their voices soft as thunder 牠们的低吼犹如暗雷低回 As they tear your hope apart 好像在哀悼你的希望被摧毁 And they turn your dream to shame 并扭曲使你的梦想蒙羞 He slept a summer by my side 他整个夏天在我身旁安睡 He filled my days with endless wonder 他使我的每日充满无比惊奇 He took my childhood in his stride 他关照我的童年进展 But he was gone when autumn came 但当秋天来时他却离开了我 And still I dream he'll come to me 直至如今,我仍梦想著他将要回到我身旁 That we will live the years together 梦想著我们可以一起度过美好时光 But there are dreams that cannot be 但这些梦想不会成真了 And there are storms we cannot weather 我们也经不起这些狂风暴雨 I had a dream my life would be 我的梦想曾经即将实现 So different from this hell I'm living 与我悲惨境遇大异其趣 So different now from what it seemed 相形现在是这麽的不同 Now life has killed the dream I dreamed. 现在的生活扼杀了我做的梦


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