

09月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[7年级英语日记30词左右简单的带翻译]我的周末 Hello,I am Luo Minyi.I'm going to have a busy weekend!On Saturday morning ,I'm going to do morning exercises .Then ,I'm going to play ping-pong with my...+阅读




“很好”, 艾蜜叫喊道,“一位女士给我们讲了野外的动物,并给我们看了一只刺猬。我想成为一个研究刺猬的专家。”






“你在做什么?” 一个人在她身后厉声说道。

急需关于典范英语7①刺猬女孩艾蜜的英语读后感 100到150词左右

The little girl Amy wants to raise the hedgehog. He to the library to borrow books about the hedgehog, and a plate of animal calls discs. Amy learn a hedgehog. Amy's house yard is a hedgehog, and he was numbered with the hedgehog try to dialogue. The last could communicate with the hedgehog. His neighbors saw the opportunity, to her watching hedgehog tea in his yard. Amy finally and you said that the money is to be a hedgehog hospital. Neighbor was finally drove the girl had to build a hospital.


One day, the school please animal experts to lecture, Amy produces strong interest to the hedgehog, borrow books and tapes on the hedgehog, learning about the hedgehog, and practice the language of the hedgehog, call the hedgehog in the garden at night, interest is the best teacher, study hard, hedgehogs eventually became Amy's good friend

Next to Mr. Parker insists he cultivated vegetables eaten by the hedgehog, the hedgehog stereotypes, and you told Amy every night the sound of wall is large, dissuade fruitless middle of the back have a plan, put up posters greeting people to hear the girl talks with a hedgehog, and fees.

Amy's harmonious scene touched the audience with the hedgehog, you pay. Amy's suddenly understand, oneself become Mr. Parker's cash cow. So the heart of a meter, announced in public, Mr. Parker is doing a charity event, people donate money, Mr. Parker will go to the hospital the hedgehog. Although every reluctant, but in front of the crowd to Mr. Parker or take out money. With regrets Amy invited a hedgehog, help Mr. Parker protect vegetables, eventually Mr. Parker won the award in the vegetables, to thank you, Mr. Parker also bought for the hedgehog they love to eat canned dog.

Stories are small, but contains too much truth, the harmony between human and nature, the good finish, and so on.


读《“刺猬女孩”艾可儿》有感 “学习成绩固然重要, 但是拥有健康向上的品行以及各种生存技能同样重要, 只有全面发展,你才是一个真正的好学生”,这句话给我们道出了学习好有时并 不重要,其实最重要的是一个良好的心态,健康的品行,不受外界影响,全面的 发展才是真正的好学生。 很久很久以前,会魔法的于小鱼老师与邪恶领主之间的斗争不断打响。而这 次是从一只花斑猫的到来,它的到来彻底打乱了模范学生艾可儿的生活,仿佛一 夜之间她变成了一个自私又乖戾的“刺猬女孩”, 伤害了每一个关心她的人。 但是, 多年的同窗之情使同学们没有抛弃她,大家在于小鱼老师的带领下,帮助艾可儿 重新找回自我,又一次粉碎了黑暗领主的阴谋。 在这本书中,我仿佛也看到了我乖戾的时候。

只因为一点小事和同学大吵大 闹;在家里也是如此,爸爸妈妈处处都依着我,“讨好”我。我想以后可不能再让 他们这样费心了。 书中说过“‘刺猬女孩’到底还是浑身带刺,是不会变成天使的”。可是,魔鬼 也有天使般的笑容,我相信我会真正做到“老师的好帮手,同学的好伙伴,家人 的好宝贝”。...


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