【拼音】: png b shēng huī
【解释】: 蓬荜:编蓬草、荆竹为门,形容穷苦人家。使寒门增添光辉(多用作宾客来到家里,或赠送可以张挂的字画等物的客套话)。
【出处】: 元秦简夫《剪发待宾》第三折:贵脚踏于贱地,蓬荜生光。 宋王柏《回赵星诸书》:专使远临;俯授宝帖;联题累牍;蓬荜生光。
【举例造句】: 谢人过访日蓬荜生辉。 ★清程允升《幼学故事琼林宫室》
All the legends he been great-theyve all been brilliant with me.
The gargantuan statue of a dining-room chair that graces the centre of martinsville is a tribute to the legacy of the localfurniture-making industry.
Id like to exchange with everyone ing here what you he gained from translation and interpretation. In addition, myfriends from far and wide could also lee independent thinking for which my humble will be honored.
【拼音代码】: pbsh
【近义词】: 柴门有庆、蓬屋生辉、蓬荜生光
【用法】: 作谓语、宾语;多用作谦词
【英文】: (your gracious presence) has added glitters to my humble house