

09月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[根据以下写一段短文不少于50字]dear Lucy, I can't meet you at the airport. Please come here by yourself. I tell you the way to my house. YOu start from the airport by taxi. You pass by a Gard...+阅读


If I have to come up with a person who has had a significant imfluence on me, that would be my best friend. She is such a charming girl with smooth long hair. We met each other in the first day of high school. She speaks very gently, and treats people nicely. When I need her, she is always standing by my side. I'm very glad to have her as my friend.


Today was a lovely day,thus my family went for a stroll down the beach.The sand was incredibly soft and the sea was ultra blue.Just to stand there in the sea breeze and let the wind brush over your face is such a wonderful experience; that I was hesitant to return even after the sun has set and left us all in darkness.


If I have the chance to travel, I would you like to visit PARIS. It has the reputation of being the most beautiful and romantic of all cities, brimming with historic associations and remaining vastly influential in the realms of culture, medicine, art, fashion, food and design. Dubbed the City of Light and Capital of Fashion, it is home to the world's finest and most luxurious fashion designers and cosmetics.



Do you like fashion clothes

As a youngster,I definitely enjoy buying and trying on new clothes.It's natural for someone my age to have interest in it.The colourful outfits seem to give me the joy that effect my day.When dressed in fashion,I feel like that I was carried away.It's right to say that the things you wear tells who you are.Others like you for your creativity,and you can enjoy the day.So just try on the pop hits and get around.It's worth it.


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