

10月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[描写四季的英语句子]描写四季的英语句子 1、That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。 2、Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that p...+阅读



In spring, the weather is warm and humid.Most of the days are rainy. It is suitable for the growth of plants. Many beautiful flowers will appear at that time


In summer, it is very hot. The temperature is very high.We like swimming and eating ice-cream to cmofort ourselves.Moreover, there are some typhoo and rainstorms too. Remenber to bring your umberlla when you go out.


In autumn, it is very cool. The weather is good and suitable for picnic.However, autumn is usually very short, so please enjoy the treasable moment.


In winter, it is extreme cold. there may be snow too! In fact, it is very dry too! Many peopel catch a cold at this season, we should take cae ourselves.



A year is divided into four seasons. As the seasons change, so do temperature, weather and the length of day. At the end of the year, people usually send “season's greetings” to their family members, relatives or friends by posting them Christmas cards.

“Season” also means a period of time marked by a certain activity or a large quantity of a certain product, for example, the rainy season, the strawberry season or, for football fans, the football season.

Fruits are the best and cheapest in the season. But hotels cost more in the season. That is why some people take their holidays out of season.





there are four seasons in a year , the first season is spring. In spring , everything turn green , and the Earth turnning to be actived ,in the spring , it temperature is fine and the flowers come out . The second season is summer , summer is hot , but , in summer , you can swim in the liver and ocean , is a good season , and the girls like summer a lot , because they can wear nice clothers . the third season is fall , fall is a harvest season , in this season , the farmers take their harvest . fall is a good season to go sight seeing . The forth season is winter , is a cold season ,in this season , the temperature is low , and most of the plants' leaves are felt .

No matter what the season is , there are the people that likes it very much .


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