

05月09日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[麦田里的守望者经典句子]麦田里的守望者经典句子 1、我不喜欢看见那些老家伙穿着睡衣套着浴巾,他们坑坑洼洼的胸膛老是露出来。 2、其实我们每个人都曾经历过那个喜欢抱怨的时代,这也许就是成长吧。 3...+阅读

麦田守望者 经典句子All those Ivy League bastards look alike. My father wants me to go to Yale, or maybe Princeton, but I swear, I wouldnt go to one of those Ivy League colleges if I was dying, for Gods sake.那些常春藤盟校的混蛋都长一个样。我爸想让我进耶鲁,或者是普林斯顿,但我就算死掉也不去任何一间常春藤盟校,妈的。The more expensive a school is, the more crooks it has.学校越贵,小偷越多。I dont like to see old guys in their pajamas and bathrobes anyway. Their bumpy old chests are always showing.我不喜欢看见那些老家伙穿着睡衣套着浴巾,他们坑坑洼洼的胸膛老是露出来。

He also started picking his nose. He made out like he was only pinching it, but he was really getting the old thumb right in there.他开始抠鼻孔。他搞的好像他只是在掐鼻子似的,但他实际上把大拇指伸进里边去了。Where I he my hand on your back, if I think there isnt anything underneath my hand- no can, no legs, no feet, no anything- then the girls really a terrific dancer.如果我把手放在你的后背上,我觉得我手下面什么都没有没屁股,没腿,没脚,什么都没有那你就是伟大的舞蹈家了。

I swear to God. If I were a piano player or an actor or something and all those dopes thought I was terrific, Id hate it. I wouldnt even want them to clap for me. People always clap for the wrong things. If I was a piano player, Id play it in the goddamn closetIn a funny way, though, I felt sort of sorry when he was finished. I dont even think he knows any more when hes playing right or not. It isnt all his fault, I partly blame all those dopes that clap their heads offtheyd foul up anybody, if you ge them a chance.我向上帝发誓。


A womans body is like a violin and all, and that it takes a terrific musician to play it right.女人的身体就像一个小提琴什么的,得有个出色的音乐家来演奏才行。For instance, if youre at a girls house, her parents always e home at the wrong timeor youre afraid they will.比如说,你在一个女孩家里,她爸妈回来的时间就老不对或者你会对这一点总是担惊受怕。If somebody knows quite a lot about those things, it takes you quite a while to find out whether theyre really stupid or not.如果一个人对这些事情懂挺多,你要发现他是不是蠢蛋还得花点时间。

If a girl looks swell when she meets you, who gives a damn if shes late?如果一个漂亮女孩来见你,谁他妈关心她迟没迟到?These intellectual guys dont like to he an intellectual conversation with you unless theyre running the whole thing.除非他们自己掌控局面,这些高智商的人都不想跟你进行高智商对话。I didnt he anything else to do, so I kept sitting on the radiator and counting these little white squares on the floor.我没别的事做,就继续坐在暖气上数地上的小白格子。

That killed me. Her middle name is Josephine, for Gods sake, not Weatherfield. She doesnt like it, though. Every time I see her shes got a new middle name for herselfOld Phoebe said something then, but I couldnt hear her. She had the side of her mouth right smack on the pillow, and I couldnt hear her.笑死我了。她的中间名叫约瑟芬,搞没搞错,不是韦瑟菲尔德。不过她不喜欢自己的中间名。每次我见她,她都给自己取一个新的中间名菲比丫头说了些话,不过我听不见。



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麦田守望者经典语录麦田守望者经典语录 1、我不喜欢看见那些老家伙穿着睡衣套着浴巾,他们坑坑洼洼的胸膛老是露出来。 2、其实我们每个人都曾经历过那个喜欢抱怨的时代,这也许就是成长吧。 3、...
