

12月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[公益活动邀请函常用模板]公益活动需要各界爱心人士的参与,那么公益活动的邀请函应该怎么写呢?下面小编跟大家分享几篇公益活动邀请函,以供参考! 公益活动邀请函一 尊敬的各位爱心人士、单位领导: 首先...+阅读

北外托福为你提供综合写作模板 1. in the lecture, the professor made several points about ...... .the professor argues that..... However, the reading passage contends that ......The professor's lecture casts doubt on the reading by using a number of point that are contrary to.... 2. the first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that....According to the professor...... .....differs from the reading in that the reading states.....The point made by the professor casts doubt on the reading becasue.... 3. Another point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is....The professor claims that.....However, the reading states.....This point is contradicted by..... 4. Finally,the professor stated that ,on the contrary of reading,......In other words,.....This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates,because..... 然后反驳的单词,differ from ,disagree with, cast doubt on, conflict with, challenge 5. In the lecture, the professor made several points about...The lecture argues that.....The points made by the professor agree with .....In fact, the examples used by the professor support... 6.In the lecture, the professor made several points about...The lecture argues that.....The points made by the professor agree with .....In fact, the examples used by the professor support... 7. Furthermore, the professor bolsters the reading by stating that.... The professor claims that.....This point agrees with the reading ,which contends that..... 8.Finally, the professor states that ,in support of the reading,.....Specifically,.....This perfectly reinforced what the reading passage indicats because support的单词有:enhance, uphold, corrobo,to back, justify, to substantiate, to advance, The lecture is mainly discussing ______, ________ and ___________ by _________, challenging what are stated in the reading passage that _________, _________ and _______. First of all, the speaker thinks that ___________. In contrast, the reading passage believes that _____________. So, the lecture totally disagree with the view made in the reading. Second, the speaker discusses ___________, Contradicting what is stated in the reading that _____________________. Finally, the speakers raises the issue that ___________. This point disagrees that ________________ demonstrated in the reading. So, the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading.


创意开年会邀请函模板创意年会邀请函范文篇一: 邀请信___________小姐/先生: 仰首是春、俯首成秋,xx公司又迎来了她的第九个新年。我们深知在发展的道路上离不开您的合作与支持,我们取得成绩中有您...

求论文的格式以及答辩ppt的模板高瞻远瞩,高屋建瓴,为读者指出一条解决问题的思路。多从教育、政府规范和引导、法律严惩几个角度谈起。 所以我们要运用脑髓,放出眼光,自己来拿! 总之,我们要拿来。我们要或使用,或...


求个人简历模板一个完整的简历应包含以下内容: 1、基本信息:主要包括姓名、性别、年龄、工作年限、联系地址、联系方式等基本个人信息。 Tips:在填写联络方式时,请务必填上电话、手机等信息,以...

个人简历模板及简单又全面关于简历和面试相关问题,我建议你要注意以下一些问题: 1、面试前有没有仔细了解过对应企业的情况,对方的企业文化、主营业务、未来的发展方向。如果跑过去面试,其实对该企业一点...

哪位有做职位分析时的访谈提纲模板职位分析访谈提纲 1、请您用一句话概括您的职位在本公司中存在的价值是什么,它要完成的主要的工作内容和要达成的目标? 2、请问与您进行工作联系的主要人员有哪些?联系的主要方...

跪求手写论文的格式啊只要格式模板不要解释啊什么的比如第一行写本科毕业生论文要求 一、论文格式 封 面: 标 题 专 业 考生姓名与考号 指导教师姓名 完成论文时间 第一页 中文摘要(外文摘要) 第二页 目录 第三页 论文正文 (一)、结论或前言 (二...

论文格式模板是怎么样的论文主要分为以下几个部分: 1、大标题(第一行):三黑字体,居中排。 2、姓名(第二行):小三楷字体,居中排。 3、作者单位或通信地址(第三行):按省名、城市名、邮编顺序排列,用小三楷字体。 4...

