[学英语有什么方法]坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色。 一、多“说”。 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语...+阅读
1.Thank you for your visit on the Canton Fair. We are glad to provide the detailed information of our products to you. Hope we will have a chance to work with your company. 2. Thank you for your visit and inquiry on the Canton Fair. We are glad to send you our best prices and products' details. Look forward to working with you.
学英语有什么诀窍怎样学好英语 想学好英语,首先要培养对英语的兴趣。“兴趣是最好的老师”,兴趣是学习英语的巨大动力,有了兴趣,学习就会事半功倍。我们都有这样的经验:喜欢的事,就容易坚持下去;不...
求英语高手翻译下!要人工翻译!A large number of domestic and international mark, satisfied customers will give the company revenue growth and cost savings. To customer satisfaction for servi...
有没有关于水疗全方面的英语词汇啊楼上的 借用你的答案 Acupressure – 针压法。通过按压穴位舒经活络的东方技法。Acupuncture – 针灸。用针刺穴位治病、养生的东方技法。Aesclepions – 是以创始人的名字...
谁有英语单词形象记忆法左右脑分工不同 大家知道大脑分为左右脑,而左脑是管抽象和逻辑记忆的,比如文字公式等,在日常学习中用到的大部分都是左脑,因为平时学习的东西主要是文字和公式。而右脑是管形象...
求英语会议请柬模板Dear sir/madam, We sincerely invite you to participate in China's Software Development and IT Outsourcing Summit 2008 and the First E-service Conference of Chin...
商务函电的英文定义business corresondence is letter which is used for delivering information and handle buisness affairs,contacting with eachothers in daily communication.the ofte...
英文商务函电翻译Dear customer It is our false to delay again although with your understood. And we should think about keeping the quality as same as the on time delivery, which...
商务英语函电中标点符号的用法商务信函一般由:信头、编号和日期、封内地址、称呼、事由、信文、结尾敬语、签署、附件、附言等组成。 信头(Heading):指发信人的姓名(单位名称)、地址和日期,一般写在信纸的右上角...