[急帮写一份英语邀请函邮件 110个单词]一、Dear sir/madam: Im delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]. As we agreed, youll be speaking on the topic ""...+阅读
Dear Sir (or Mr. XXX), Being specialized in the trade of cloths and relative goods, we express our desire to trade with you in this line. On the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods We are glad to invite you to interview our company. Please inform us of your itinerary so as to facilitate our arrangements in advance. Please feel free to ask any question if there is anything you are particularly interested in. Looking forward to your reply Faithfully, XXX 尊敬的先生,您好 作为专业的服装和相关产品的贸易公司,我们希望在此方面与你们开展合作。 出于平等互利,互通有无的目的,我们高兴的邀请各位来我公司考察。 请尽早通知我们你们的日程,便于我们提前安排接待工作。 有任何问题请尽管向我们询问。 期待你们的回复。
以上就是我的观点英文翻译英文翻译为:That's my point of view. point of view 观点;见地;立场 短语 Low point of view 低角度 Personality point of view 人格心态 personal point of view 人观点 例...
英文中我也不的说法是me either还是me neither错错错错!!! 是Me either!或者说Neither do sb.! either用于句末时,例如: --I failed to pass the CET6 ,what about you? --I didn't ,either. 或如: --I don't like him. --Me ,e...
如何写年会邀请函公司年会邀请函怎么写?有没有一定的标准和格式?跟一起来学习一下公司年会邀请函怎么写吧! 以下是一篇公司年会邀请函的范文:邀请函 尊敬的_____: 为感谢您及贵公司对我们长期以来...
在读证明翻译。。英文。。急。"特此证明"一般放文章开头(如签证用),当然,放最后也可以 Hereby is to certify that, ** is the pupil (studying,可不要、下同) in Class 7, Grade 4 of the 2007 Grade in Zigu P...
在里面用英文怎么翻译两种说法:Inside / on the inside 1、inside英 [ɪn'saɪd] 美 ['ɪn'saɪd] n. 里面;内部;内情;内脏adj. 里面的;内部的;秘密的adv. 在里面prep. 少于;在…之内例句:He concealed t...
请问英文的商务邀请函怎么写急!Date: July 12, 2006 Invitation Letter We hereby invite you to visit our supermarket on the respects of ground and business ground in construction, also we will...
谁能给一个英文商务邀请函范本五种常见的邀请信之一 Dear sir/madam: I'm delighted that you have accepted our invitation to speak at the Conference in [city] on [date]. As we agreed, you'll be...