
英语作文:我对未来护理职业的规划急求一篇英语作文 200词之内

01月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[考场作文怎么写]这个情况我读高中的时候有,当时觉得很dan teng。觉得没啥写的又必须写。在这点我说说我的看法,希望对你有帮助。首先,你要从自己观点来改变,看你的描述,似乎你总是天马行空的。但...+阅读

I major in nursing. I think in the future, I will find a specialized nursing occupation. Although my study is not very good, but I will work hard, work hard for my dream.I want to be a nurse, which is my dream when I was a child. If I really become a nurse, I will take care of each patient, not to discriminate against them.I am very confident about the future, I will not give up halfway.



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