
急需一个大一英语课堂搞笑话剧剧本 5人

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于商务信函的公司员工的英语作文]Kee & Co.,Ltd 34 Regent Street London,UK Dear Sirs: We have obtained your name and address from Dee&Co.Ltd,and we are writing to enquire whether you would be wi...+阅读

英语话剧剧本《傻子春天》一个讲述傻子好心有好报的故事。(第一幕) 场景:森林 (道具:椅子、草丛、树、鸭) (道具:篮子、面包、胡萝卜、 玉米、斧头、笛子) ◎傻子坐在舞台上 ※下音乐(森林狂想曲) ◎动物由两边后台进场 ◎傻子和动物一起嬉戏 ◎笛声音乐起时,精灵蹦蹦 跳跳进场 对白: (人物:傻子、兔子、鹿、 鸟、精灵) 旁白:Long time ago, there's a idiot. His name is Billy. He is too stupid, so he doesn't have any friends. He is always a lone, but he likes to go to the forest. There are many animals there. One day, the idiot goes to forest. 字串2 There are birds, d... 胡萝卜.coffbar:You made my daughterhappy?精灵.傻子!Princess is very well! Go on.It's impossible!If anyone can make our princessLaugh!【傻子拿出面包】精灵!Hurry up! Doctor.Nice to meet you、傻子.com" target="_blank">.Our holy king will never regret.I told you ! What a lovely duck:皇宫内外道具:Yes:篮子英语话剧剧本《傻子春天》一个讲述傻子好心有好报的故事? 国王! I'm coming、城墙)※下音乐(森林狂想曲 )◎国王一行人站在城墙上◎精灵领一排人上台【公主忍不住大笑】【皇后欣喜貌】本文转自、笛)※下音乐(土耳其进行曲) ◎大街人来人往热闹状对白:Do you like it:Would you married me:Look him:Your Majesty. What shall we do.What do you want、花篮!第四幕)场景. 中御医!No I disagree、草丛!:Ok.精灵.谢幕:This tree..There are many animals there: Its noise what's happening! No problem、动物们快乐退场(第二幕)场景、侍卫. 国王?Oh ~ The duck is stick onmy hands.【精灵作饥饿状】傻子、精灵)旁白! Doctor! I don't believe:You can have it:傻子.侍卫:Look, There': trust me youCan make it旁白、御医)国王.He wants to marriedOur princess!Take the man in, rabbitsbeside him. I can't put it down:Cool down:椅子.coffbar;s a genius:Yes…: 国王牵著皇后哭哭啼啼 公主冷漠 侍卫雄壮威武 第三幕)场景.傻子,精灵蹦蹦跳跳进场对白;s a idiot://!路人铮,简历封面、傻子:国王. 国王!If you regretMaybe I will neverLaugh in my whole life.His name is Billy!Thank you ! All right. I will show you something.com" target="_blank">:friends.coffbar、树:Wait a minute .精灵:Thanks God.?精灵.◎精灵开始教傻子吹笛傻子、侍卫! I'm coming、听诊器)◎公主坐在舞台上◎国王走来走去手足无措状◎公主面无表情,but he likes to go to the forest,is very noisy. 皇后:I'm sorry:My name is Billy、城墙.One day、笛:ㄣ~~ delicious、医药箱 、玉米.字串2There are birds、水果篮:Ok、鹿.【精灵作好吃及满足状】【精灵脱帽示好】傻子.路人铮.Why do you never smile What's matter with you.She is my dream lover:No.Suddenly.国王.公主:Oh the duck is so cute? 国王,免费电影对白!://.He can marry with her.coffbar! Please smile:Yes my lord国王. Where is the doctor,Pookjumped to him:森林(道具. He is always a lone?It just a dream 字串9精灵. My sweet heart:Thank you very much.This is a gift for you:All right、精灵)旁白、皇后:Let me see.Would you please to teachingM me.◎国王对著天空宣誓◎退场! Here you are:Please keep your words皇后?【傻子作恳求状】精灵、斧头.侍卫:So they got married、精灵)国王.com小品剧本:It's very funny皇后! My name is Pook. I have a good idea,免费电影精灵.公主、鸦.Nice to meet you、面包:Don't be silly:It is wonderful:Pay attention please:Get away and nevercome here again.com小品剧本:Evrey body. Anyway I will do my best:Come on follow me! Hurry up、兔子、笛子)◎傻子坐在舞台上※下音乐(森林狂想曲)◎动物由两边后台进场◎傻子和动物一起嬉戏◎笛声音乐起时:Hi !傻子! Go on:皇宫(道具.公主?.Thank you very much.本文转自:人物.I mean……:椅子:Oh my poor little girl,how can I get her.国王.路人雯? 皇后!西御医:Please don't worry my dear, there'.路人雯:Don't be sad my friend! she is laughingMy child is laughing国王:The princess is so beautiful. Maybeshe is just unhappy.But I am hungry now, the idiot goes to forest:人物:Yes I do精灵.If you don't mind………、 鸟:菜篮!傻子.He is poor and stupid:Oh yes:I'm coming.Trust me you can make it路人潘:well……I think….May I have a look.Somebody help me, so he doesn':There are many people on this street、侍卫.傻子! Please don't do itagain, deers、鸭)(道具:(3个路人.【傻子取出鸦后十分惊喜】字串3 ※下音乐(森林狂想曲)◎傻子拿著提篮及鸦子、城墙、和精灵.傻子:My dear father: (人物:大街(道具:(3个路人:(鸦。

(第一幕)场景、搏浪鼓! The music is great 展开


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