

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英语给父母的一封信]Dear mom and dad: I know you always stay back and watch me shine,wishing I will be the best.I know you have expected me a better life since I was born.Sometimes...+阅读

If it is not a kind of destiny in the protection of the baby,don't let him feel the mother left the fear of words, a moment that was born, the baby will feel extreme fear. But the baby after birth within a period of time before he was born with the difference is not much; he cannot recognize objects, are not aware of their existence as well as the world outside his body there. He only need warmth andfood requirements, but not the difference between warm,food and warmth and food mother. The mother to the babyis warm, is food, is happy and satisfied stage baby safe.This stage is the concept of narcissism stage by Freud.The surrounding reality, people and objects, which cancause the baby body satisfaction or disappointment will produce significance for him. A baby can only realize hisinternal requirements; the outside world only with his needto be realistic, but has nothing to do with his request to the outside world is meaningless.The children learn to call the name of the object, at the same time learning how to treat these objects; he began to understand the fire is hot, hot people, the wood is hard,and very heavy, very light can be torn paper. He alsostarted learning to deal with people: he saw if he eat,mother smile; if he cries, the mother put him up; and if hegood digestion, mother to praise him. All these experiences coagulation and complement each other has become a kind of experience: that's what I loved. I lovedbecause I was the mother of the child. I was in lovebecause I be isolated and helpless. I was in love because I'm cute and can win people. In short, I was in lovebecause I have been loving expression of


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