[英文小故事简单一些的]给你三篇,你选一篇吧. The Old Cat An old woman had a cat. The cat was very old; she could not run quickly, and she could not bite, because she was so old. One day...+阅读
以商科学生为例,为同学们提供两个具体的report结构:1.Structure for Business report:题目页(Title page)姓名(Name), 学号(student number), 科目名字(module name), 课程代码(module code)和导师姓名( tutor's name).内容提要(Executive summary)简要总结主要调查结果,结论和建议(Brief summary of main findings, conclusion and recommendations.)Table of contentsIntroduction(引言)概述论文将要涉及的内容,以什么样的逻辑进行,开展此论文的原因,以及报告涉及的相关研究背景(Outline what you will be writing about, in what order and why, with very brief relevant background information.)Discussion(讨论)讨论关键内容,研究结果,以及阐述相关结果(Discussion of key areas, findings, explanation of the results)总结(Conclusion)总结报告得出的关键结论 (Summarise the key points of what has been found out.)建议(Recommendations)基于研究结果,为未来的行动提出可行性建议。
这部分可以包含在conclusion里,也可以作为独立的章节存在。具体根据老师要求进行(Based on the findings, write recommendations for future action. This could be included within the conclusion section or it may be a separate section. Refer to your assignment brief or ask your tutor for guidelines.)附件(Appendices)文章中出现的数据,图表和计算公式等(Any extra information that did not fit in the main body of the report. Any charts, graphs or calculations. Each appendix should be numbered e.g. Appendix 1, it should also have a title and a reference.)参考文献(References)Report正文中用到的所有文献;要注意文献的额引用方式(APA/Harvard)(Books, articles, journals or texts that have been used as source material.)2.Structure for Research report:Title page:Name, student number, module name, module code and tutor's name.Executive Summary (Abstract): may be optionalBrief summary of main findings, conclusion and recommendations.Table of contents:一.Introduction:Outline what you will be writing about, in what order and why, with relevant background information.二.Main body sections: Report and analyse what was done and make sure evidence is included. Organise ideas into sections – use headings and subheadings:1. 文献综述(Literature Review):1.1 Subject section1.2 Subject section2. 方法论(Methodology)2.1 How you did your research(如何做研究)2.2 How you collected data(如何收集数据)3. Results and findings3.1 Description of the results + visuals4. Discussion4.1 Discussion of key areas, explanation of the results三.Conclusion:Summarise the key points of what has been found out.四.Recommendations:Based on the findings, write recommendations for future action. This could be included within the conclusion section or it may be a separate section. Refer to your assignment brief or ask your tutor for guidelines.五.Appendices:Any extra information that did not fit in the main body of the report. Any charts, graphs or calculations. Each appendix should be numbered e.g. Appendix 1, it should also have a title and a reference.六.References:Books, articles, journals or texts that have been used as source material.
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