[我的暑假英语初一作文]Everyone always has a good Sunday. On Sundays, everybody does some things what he like. Last Sunday, Jack had a relaxing Sunday. He got up 6 o'clock. After brea...+阅读
1) how do you like your college life? Great. I love the taste of freedom. Finally I can stay away from parents' constant nagging. 2)what're your expections of your college life? study hard and play hard. 3) did you join any club? how do u like it? not yet, still weighing pros/cons of the student clubs. 4) how do you plan to finance your college education? getting a part-time job (hopefully a study-work job on campus, because I don't have a car) and borrow from parents 5) What do you think of the school facilities? I wish we could have a 24x7 computer lab with free printers/copy machines, a state of the art library and a grand gym equipped with swimming pool/sauna. 6) how do you like your roommates? so far we are getting along just fine, everybody is friendly. But I'm sure we'll start hearing all kinds of juicy stories like who is going out with who, who have brought their bf/gf to sleep over and done you-know-what under the comforters, etc. 7) what do you want to do in 4 years from now? I hope I'll get a high-paid stable job. to be continued...
谁知道中考英语听力下载地址啊中国最大教学资源网哦 以下几个英语学习网站上都有许多免费的mp3和视频,你可以自己选择一下: 1. (24小时学习网) 2. (英文荟萃)(内含口语8000句)3.英语听力资源汇总 4. (英语听力mp...
同学录超个性留言英语的也要谢谢了大神帮忙啊姓名:是同学就别给我忘记 英文名:你连这都不知道 生肖:跟你 星座:不知道 血型:O或AB或B啦 身高:比姚明高一点 体重:你想知道重的还是轻的 视力:5.3水汪汪 特长:跟地球上的细菌一样多...
激励人上进的英语格言1. pain past is pleasure. (过去的痛苦就是快乐。)[无论多么艰难一定要咬牙冲过去,将来回忆起来一定甜蜜无比。] 2. while there is life, there is hope. (有生命就有希望/留...
关于人生的英语名人名言要有谁说的谢谢了At twenty years of age , the will reigns; at thirty , the wit ; and at forty , the judgment .(Benjamin Franklin ,American president) 二十岁时起支配作用的是意志,...
十个简单的英语问题1 fifth 2 to have 3 to get 4 A改为 excuse me 5 the表特指 和名词复数形式在一起 应该是表许多大熊猫 跟the smith the smiths用法一样吧 前者特指叫smith的人 后者指smit...
几个英语简单问题How long is your desk? It 's one metre long. How old is the Summer Palace ? It's 235 years old. How long is your classroom? It 's 10 metres long. How old is you...
用英语问别人十个问题不要那种太简单的什么你叫什么名字你几岁之What are you going to do on Sunday? What is your favourite hobby? How often do you usually go swimming? Why do you like watching movies? When is your mother's b...
求急有哪些日常的简单英语问题可以说拜托速度1. how old are you? 2. how do you do? 3. what si your name ? 4. How do you like the movie? 5. What are you going to do? 6. how many people are there in your fam...
英语的简单问题1.They----(go)to shcool at seven every morning go 2.Tom----(swim)in the river now is swimming 3.I want----(work)here to work 4.----(not get)down from the tree D...