

01月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[怎样做好一份小学英语家教]重点从心态上给初涉家教市场的同学你支支招! 没有经验不用担心更不必胆怯(尤对性格内向的同学而言) 虽说万事开头难 几乎所有接第一份家教工作的人最初都会把困难扩大化 就好像...+阅读






Dear teachers, students:


everyone! Have the opportunity to

take an English

tabloid Halloween contest and won the first prize, I am very happy and very excited. At this time Ci moment, I would like to use three words to express my feelings.


first word is

gratitude. I want to thank the teachers and students of my trust, support and encouragement, I sincerely thank you! (Bow)


second word

is pride.

It is often

said, a seed, only deeply rooted in the fertile soil,

in order to have boundless

vitality; trust in teachers and students with the help of a little I was able to grow up, my life was painted on a painted screen touch down the most gorgeous colors.

The third

word is

action. To

thank the teachers and students

confidence in

me, I will this thanks and gratitude turned into action in the future, the road ahead attachment, and strive to do better!



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