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协商租赁条件 - 房地产英语情景对话系列 罗伯茨一家最终看中了鲁宾逊花园的房子。他们决定把它租下来。但是他们觉得租金太高了,还想把墙纸换一换。于是罗伯茨一家通过代理和业主进行了协商。 A--Agent Mr. Chen 物业代理陈先生 B--Client 1 Mr. Roberts 客户一 罗伯茨先生 C--Client 2 Mrs. Roberts 客户二 罗伯茨太太 A: Mr. Roberts, I am so glad that your family likes the unit so much. 罗伯茨先生,我很高兴你的家人喜欢这房子。

B: Mr. Chen, we have seen many apartments, and finally agreed to rent the Robinson Garden flat. 陈先生,我们已经看过很多公寓了,最后我们同意租鲁宾逊花园的房子。 C: The appliances and furniture suit our taste. Also, the rooms are big enough for our kids. However, could you help us to negotiate a better rent with the landlord? 用具和室内家具很符合我们的品味。而且,对我的孩子来说,房子也够大。

但是,你可以帮我们和业主商量一个合理的租金吗? A: How much is it? 你认为多少呢? B: I would like to reduce the rent to forty thousand HK dollars per month. Also, is there any rent-free period? 我希望把每月租金减到四万港币。另外,有没有免租期呢? A: I'll have to discuss it with the landlord first. 这个问题我必须先与业主协商。 (After half an hour, the Roberts' family comes back to the ABC properties Company Agency) (半小时后,罗伯茨一家回到ABC物业代理公司。

) B: Any good news for me? 有没有好消息呢? A: Yes, after a long talk with the landlord, he promised to reduce the monthly rent to forty- three thousand HK dollars. The rent-free period is fourteen days. These are very reasonable terms. What do you think? 有的,和业主协商后,他答应每月租金减到四万三千港币。免租期为十四天。这些条件非常合理,你认为怎样? B: Well, let me see. The total for the monthly rent, management fee and government rates will be forty-five thousand dollars. I think it is still too high. What if the rent includes the government fees? 让我想一想。

租金,管理费加上政府税金,每个月总共是四万五千港币。我觉得还是高了些。 租金能不能包括政府税金? C: Also, is it possible for me to have painted walls instead of the wallpaper? 另外,墙壁能否刷漆来代替墙纸呢? A: Let me call the landlord now. Please have a seat. 我立刻联系业主,请坐一下。 (After ten minutes, they finally agree to the lease terms.) (十分钟后,双方同意所有租赁条件。

) A: The landlord will come to my office in fifteen minutes. Both parties have to sign a provisional tenancy agreement. 业主十五分钟后会到公司。然后双方签订一份临时租约。 C: Great. Thank you, Mr. Chen. 太好了,谢谢,陈先生。 A: You're welcome. 不用客气。


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