

01月29日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Now the income gap is getting wider and wider. In some privately owned firms, joint-ventures, or foreign-fund companies, an executive's yearly income is ten times or even a hundred times as much as an ordinary worker's.

Faced with this situation, people will undoubtedly have different opinions. Some believe that it benefits the social and economic development since driving force is often derived from the gap. In other words, the gap inspires people and gives a push to advancement. Others speak of its side effect: income gap is often the root of social unrest and also contrary to our country's principle.

From my point of view, while it is true that the income gap may stimulate the social development to some extent, it causes trouble as well. An income gap that is too wide for most people to bear can neither contribute to the stability of a country nor promote its economic development. Therefore, while we are advocating the rapid development of our country, we should tolerate the narrow income gap but narrow the wide one.


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