

11月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[公益活动倡议书]公益活动倡议书 社会各界朋友们: 慈善是中华民族的传统美德,也是社会文明的重要标志。近年来,在社会各界的支持下,周浦镇慈善事业蒸蒸日上,大家的仁爱之心,像阳光一样,温暖着社区每...+阅读


Behe now

Environment is suffering from the damage caused by human.

This problem is increasingly serious.

Environmental pollution expands when environment protectors dont behe.

Look around, everything has changed.

We arent able to look clearly far away any longer.

We cant directly drink the water in rivers any longer.

We he to wear masks to breathe.

The conditions of yesterday has gone, and this is not what we want to see and live with.

Now, its time for us to step forth to protect the environment, with small changes of our behior:lee with the lights turned off, trel around by public transit, se water and paper, and whatever you can figure out to change the environment for better.

Thank you for your attention.


Green campus environmental protection written proposal

The environment education is improves the entire nationalthought morals quality and one of scientific cultural qualityessential methods,in order to strengthen everybody the environmentalprotection consciousness,lets the campus,the class and gradeenvironment neatly dress up Li,is advantageous to the foundationgreen harmonious campus environment,now we - the green campus theenvironmental protection volunteer move the group to be sincere to theschoolmates proposed proposed:From now on,will develop in variousclasses models the glass jar and the scrap paper recycling and so ona series of has for the environmental protection correlation.

Theactive goal is must let the schoolmates foster in the study liferespects and treasures the other people to work,the loving careenvironment good behior custom,moves brings each kind of profit forfellow schoolmates and the class and grade at the same time,also letsour everybody depends on the relieved study campus more beautiful isneat,achieved the person and the nature harmoniously is togetherboundary.

The proposal requests all schoolmate to achieve thefollowing several points:1st,the scrap paper and has used modelswaste product and so on glass jar do not he conveniently to discard,must on own initiative foster the good behior custom.

2nd,take theclass and grade as the unit,various Ban Yingjiang the reject will putto the recycling box which will assign.

Every Tuesday from will workmittee member to recycle the box to hand over the correlation theassigned location.

3rd,the environmental protection volunteer groupevery Tuesday recycles the room in the environmental protectionvolunteer group to carry on the unification to recycle the wasteproduct which various classes delivers.

4th,each semester ments the environmental protection advanced class and grade,andgives the certain material reward or the bonus.

Finally,lets us workwith concerted efforts,with the practical action is the class andgrade,for a campus strength,starts from me,from treasures a paperto start,positively founds the green economy campus,for realizes theperson and the nature harmonious coexistence campus,but makes thecontribution which oneself should he.



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