[学生会干部推荐信]XX公司人事部: 您好!首先非常感谢您在百忙中抽空阅读此推荐函。 XX是本XX学校XX学院一位非常优秀的学生,在校期间,她曾担任过学院青年志愿者协会副会长和组织部部长、纪检部部...+阅读
To Whom it May Concern:
It is my honor to remend John Doe for matriculation into the Graduate program at Rochester Institute. I he had the pleasure to know and work with John for the last six years. He first worked with me as an intern in the software development anization at XYZ in Syracuse, NY. Following his graduation from Rochester Institute, I was fortunate enough to keep track of his career so that when the opportunity arose, I was able to recruit him to his current position at ABCD. The characteristics of John that attracted my attention then, and led me to hire him out of pany B last year, make it easy for me to give him an unqualified endorsement for graduate study.
John brings to all of his activities energy, enthusiasm, and mitment. This is to be expected in any successful member of an entrepreneurial anization, and in this regard John fits in well. Be it in the parsing of intricate algorithms in a billing system, the crafting of an object hierarchy, or the establishment of best practices with an emerging technology, John consistently delivers high-quality software for our anization. This speaks to his overall intellect and ability to learn, attributes that will serve him well in graduate study.
While John is a relatively junior member of our anization as measured by tenure, he quickly established himself as a go-to person in the product domains in which he has worked. He has been ever-willing to work with members of our anization to share his knowledge and expertise, most notably as a presenter for presentations on product functions. He has a deep-rooted spirit of helpfulness that coupled with his quick grasp of subject matter speaks well to his potential as a teaching assistant or instructor.
What I find most engaging in Johns character are his wide-ranging interests outside of software. Two of his abiding interests are game theory and economics. He can be quickly engaged in an in depth discussion, for instance, of the rationale behind EZ-Pass, the lack-of rationality of the financial markets, or the optimal approach for making a few quid on the super-bowl. Johns broad range of interests speaks well to his potential as researcher, both in bringing a wide range of theory to the research at hand, as well as carrying forward new hypotheses of interest to researchers.
John Doe is a valued member of our anization whom we he learned we can rely on, regardless of the difficulty of the task to hand or the novelty of the challenge. His bination of intelligence, mitment, perseverance, creativity, and passionate character will certainly make him a valuable member of any academic program. I encourage you to look forably upon his application.
Gee Smith
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