[个人英文求职信个人的介绍的常用语]给大家介绍一些关于我们介绍的英文求职信常用语句。 1. I he been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting pany. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2....+阅读
英文版圣诞晚会活动主持词范文Good evening and wele to the party. I am **, I am honored to he the chance to be your host tonight. On behalf of the entire staff of xx education, I wish all of you a happy Christmas eve. 大家晚上好,欢迎大家参加今天的圣诞晚会。我是今晚的主持人,**,非常荣幸能有这样一个机会主持今天的晚会。我谨代表**培训机构的所有同事,祝大家度过一个愉快的夜晚。 Before we go, I’d like you to know that we he planned various interesting programs and games for tonight’s party, we hope you would join them and he some fun. 在晚会开始之前,很高兴告诉大家,我们为今晚的晚会准备了很多丰富多彩的节目和游戏项目,希望大家都能参与进来,玩的开心。
First of all, let’s wele our principal, Mr. Yang, to give us a wele speech. 首先请我们杨校长致欢迎辞。 Thank you Mr. Yang. 感谢杨校长。 Next, our first program, all the students sing the song ‘happy new year’ with your teachers together, please. 接下来,第一个节目,师生齐唱《新年好》。 What a beautiful song! Good job, everybody. Now, let’s wele Mr.to read the Letter of mitment. 多美的一首歌啊。大家的表现都非常棒。下面有请xx老师诵读承诺书。
Ok, here es the first exciting moment, boys and girls, the lucky draw! During this round, 8 of you will be awarded with 50 RMB and a nice gift for the third prize. 接下来,我们将迎来本场晚会第一个激动人心的时刻,抽奖环节!在这一轮抽奖中,将有八位男生或女生获得三等奖,奖品是每人50元的教育基金以及精美礼品一份。 He you heard the story of Snow White? I think every little girl must he ever dreamed to be snow white, am I right? But I am sure, you he#from 本文来自九象.9xwang.,全国最大的免费范文网 end# never seen the story being played by your classmates, now,let’s enjoy, the snow white, played by sixth grade students. 听过白雪公主的故事吗?相信每个小女孩都曾经梦想过能成为白雪公主,对吧?但你们肯定都没看过身边的同学表演的白雪公主吧?接下来让我们欣赏由六年级同学给我们带来的童话剧《白雪公主》。
Thank you for their exciting performance, thank you. Great job. Applaud for them. 感谢六年级同学精彩的表演,谢谢,演的太棒了。掌声送给他们! We he seen the exciting performance of the students, what about the teachers? Finding Nemo, dubbed by Mr. 大家已经欣赏到同学们的精彩表演,老师们的表现如何呢?接下来请欣赏由xx老师带来的《海底总动员》片段的配音。 Ok! Lucky draw again! This round, we’ll see, who is the next lucky dog? Each of the winners is gonna get 100 RMB as scholarship and a nice present for the second prize. 又到了抽奖时间了。
这一轮,让我们大家拭目以待,谁将成为下一个幸运儿。每个二等奖获奖者将获得100元的奖金和一份精美礼品。 Now, the talent show, presented by **, wele. 下面有请**给我们带来才艺表演。掌声欢迎。 Boys and girls, the most exciting moment, the last round of lucky draw tonight. Two of you guys will get 200 RMB as scholarship and a nice present for the fist prize. 最激动人心的时刻到了!今晚最后一轮的抽奖。你们中的两个幸运儿将获得200元的奖金和一份精美的礼品。
Next, poetry reading, to new year, by ** 下面请欣赏由**带来的诗朗诵,《致新年》 Last here is a piece of VCR for the parents, pls enjoy, and your kids will go to different classroom to choose four games to play 最后请家长留在大厅观看影片《赏识教育》。同学们凭借自己的门票,去不同的教室,选择四种你们想要参与的游戏。 Boys and girls , he fun! 同学们,玩得愉快!
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