

12月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[学院院庆贺信]学院院庆贺信 临沂师院外语学院院庆贺信【1】 尊敬的外语学院各位领导和老师, 亲爱的校友和同学们, 欣闻我们临沂师范学院外语学院举行28周年院庆大典,作为一名对母校怀有深...+阅读














--By Bob Garbon

(This is the continuation of a Farthers letter to his son on his 18th birthday)

And now as you are an adult, everything you do at present and what you want to be in the future will entirely depend on you, on how you strive, work and fight. After all, this is a world wherein everything does not e at the click of your fingers nor by dreaming. You must exert efforts for result to e.

Remember that the world does not revolve around you. You revolve around the world. The world does not fit you; you must fit into it. As you grow older, you will find out that what you get is just exactly the same amount of what you give. And for that reason, you should never stop trying and trying.

There are a few things which you should follow as a matter of principle and as a way of life. Guidelines that would make you and could lead you on a path towards greatness and glory. Among them is the preservation of your integrity. This goes with your name, honour and your family. Another is giving to the best of your ability in everything and anything you do. Never show that you are too lax or unconcerned nor to be remiss in your responsibilities. Always aim high, for the best and to be number one. Show that you know how to repay kindness through your gratitude. Always be true to yourself and to others and oid plasticity. People should not be taken for granted. Lastly, never fail in your believe and trust in God. He should not only se as your pillar of strength and confidence and answer to your spiritural needs. He too, must equally be remembered in times of happiness and success.

There are a lot of people who love you very dearly. Friends, males and females, relatives and admirers. The will e and they will go. Some for short time, others longer.

We who are in the family will probably care for you longest. At least as long as we are alive and he that capacity to love and care. Hopefully you, too can provide the time, attention and care for us.

On my end, the only thing I would aspire for is that I hope I he not failed as a father. I think I could proudly say to your brothers and sisters, to everyone, to God and to you that I tried.

I pray that the best is still to e. Remember, we love you very much.






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