[小学生感谢信大全]小学生感谢信范文【1】 尊敬的**同学学生家长: 见信好! 您的孩子,**,四年级上半学期的数学学习积极性较高,和以往二、三年级相比,有非常大的进步。 特别是在学习《角的度量》这一...+阅读
Dear classmates,
How is everything going? help and care. During my stay in hospital(During the time when I am in hospital), did you e to visit me do so. It is three weeks since I came to hospital.
With the help of doctors and nurses, I am recovering gradually. Besides, thanks to your help, I he gained much courage and confidence to fight against the illness.
At present, Im feeling much better now. Therefore, there is no need to worry about me.
How I miss the school days we spent together. I cant wait to return to school, (Im looking forward to returning to school, ) studying and living with you. All in all, words fail to express my gratitude/appreciation.
(Again, special thanks to all of you. Finally, please allow me to say Thanks to all of you again.)
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua
Dear Tricia,
Ive e back home safely. (用现在完成时态体现我已经安全抵家) Looking back to (回顾)my stay in Britain, I felt so happy and satisfied. The beautiful scenery and friendly people impressed me a lot(给我印象深刻).
I also benefit a lot from (从中获益)learning together with local students. More importantly, your help and kindness made it easier for me to he a better understanding of British culture (sth make it easier for sb. to do sth. 某事对于某人而言便于做某事e.g. 穿红色便于我们做决定。
Wearing red make it easier for to make a decision. ) and adapt to the life there. (adapt to sth 适应)So Im so grateful to you. By the way, attached to the letter are two photos taken with you( attached to the letter be 附寄),which I believe will remind you of the happy time we spent together.
You are expected to e to China soon.
Looking forward to your reply.
Dear Jane,
I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for you and your familys warm wele last month. During I was in America, you took me to many places that I was greatly impressed.
I had never experienced such amazing things before. Besides, I am really grateful for you mothers delicious dishes.
I liked them very much so that I often think about them now. Its you and your family who brought me wonderful days in America.
Please accept my gratitude, now and always. And I sincerely hope that I he a chance to wele you and your family in China.
Sincerely yours
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