

01月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[商务英语好的同学帮我翻译几句英文合同有道或者google等翻译工]Armor second grade both sides in the equal voluntary foundation, according to "the People's Republic of China Advertisement Law" and the related laws and regulati...+阅读

Love Struck Me Down 曲婉婷 I'm going back to the sunset strip 我折回日落大道 A place I fell in love with a man 一个我爱上一个男人的地方 I know I had to see him again 我知道我不想再见到他 So I drove a thousand miles in a day 所以我今天驱车千(英)里 Fourteen hours seemed like a piece of cake 十四小时好像很轻易的就过去了 Cause I know in the end the price was worth the fight 因为我知道付出的代价到头来还是值得的 There he was, standing with his puzzled eyes 果然他在那里,眼睛茫然的站在那。

Then he closed the gaps between us, lips inches away. 你打破我彼此间的隔阂,嘴唇微启(不知道怎么翻)。 Suddenly love struck me down 突然心中的爱将我击倒 My knees hit the ground 我的双膝碰撞在地上(内涵…邪恶了) He loved me back 你的爱让我回到 Like it was yesterday oh… 就像回到了昨天 Love struck me down 爱将我击垮 I weep but no sound 我无声的哭泣 A long awaited love struck me down 一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮 It's been three years since you left town 从你离开小镇已经有三年了 How've you been I hope life didn't bring you down 你过的怎样,我希望生活没有将你击倒 You must have met someone like me by now 如今你肯定见过像我这样的人了 Sunday morning I was in bed 周日早晨我赖在床上 Let the phone ring but it wouldn't end 电话铃响着,不断的响着。

I was mad, I picked up, it was you 我受不了了,拿起电话,是你 “Hey you, I am back for good now…” “嘿,亲,我想和你重归于好” Then it brought me back to that day 然后带我回到那天 your lips inches away 你嘴唇微启 Suddenly love struck me down 爱突然将我击倒 My knees hit the ground 我的双膝碰撞在地上(内涵…内涵…) He loved me back 你的爱让我回到 Like it was yesterday oh… 就像回到了昨天 Love struck me down 爱将我击垮 I weep but no sound 我无声的哭泣 A long awaited love struck me down 一个漫长的等待后爱将我击垮 Just ask me to stay. I'll stay for the night 请求让我留下,我会在这里过夜(。

) There& #39;s nowhere else I rather be than 没有别的地方可去 here with your body next to mine 你的身体紧挨着我 Holding me tight… 楼的的很紧…………….. Back into your arms 我钻进你的臂膀 (受不了了,不翻了) love struck me down My knees hit the ground He loved me back Like it was yesterday oh… Love struck me down I weep but no sound A long awaited love struck me down A long awaited love struck me down A long awaited love struck me down



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