[个人英文求职信个人的介绍的常用语]给大家介绍一些关于我们介绍的英文求职信常用语句。 1. I he been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting pany. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2....+阅读
l 提交材料:1、法定代表人签署的《公司备案申请书》 (公司加盖公章);
L submit materials: 1, signed by the legal representative of the pany registration application form (pany build official seal);
2, resolution on modifying the articles of association and decisions; A limited liability pany shareholders, signed by the shareholders mittee resolution; Co., LTD. Signed by the moderator and the directors present at the meeting the general meeting of shareholders meeting records;
A one-person limited liability pany shareholders signed written decision; A wholly state-owned pany submitted to the state council and local peoples government or its authorized sponsor duties institutions of the peoples governments at the corresponding level of approval document;
3, revised the panys articles of association signed) (the shareholders or the amendments to the articles of association of the pany (the pany legal representative sign);
4, stipulated by laws, administrative regulations and the state council decided to modify the articles of association must be reported for approval, submit the relevant documents of approval or license certificate copy.
5, the official seal the duplicate of the panys business license.
l 其他要求:1、依照《公司法》、《公司登记管理条例》设立的公司修改章程申请备案适用本规范。;
L other requirements: 1, in accordance with the pany law, the pany established the regulations on the administration of pany registration modify articles of association of this specification shall be applicable to the application for archival filing. ;
2, articles of association for the record related to the pany when applying for registration of change at the same time, submitted to the relevant material, fill in the pany registration application form no longer. ;
3, submit the application form and other application materials should use A4 type paper. The above did not indicate the submit copies, shall be submitted to the original; Submit a copy of, you should indicate consistent with the original and signed by the pany, or its designated representative or entrusted agent build official seal or signature;
More than 4, involving signed by shareholders, natural person shareholders signed by himself; Outside of a natural person shareholder build official seal.
l 获得文件:无
L get file: no
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