[个人英文求职信个人的介绍的常用语]给大家介绍一些关于我们介绍的英文求职信常用语句。 1. I he been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting pany. 本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。 2....+阅读
第一章 总 则Chapter 1 General Rules
第一条 在全球经济一体化、中国入世和知识经济出现的三大经济发展趋势下,为了加强国际烟花界在经营环境、融资、管理与文化、人力资源、应用技术和市场扩张等方面的合作,以便抓住新的机遇,迎接新挑战,促进世界烟花产业的持续、稳定发展,特制订本章程。
Article 1 Under the three economic growth tendencies of global economic integration, China’s entry into the WTO and emergence of intellectural economy, the regulations are made in order to strengthen international fireworks circle’s co-operation on operation environment, financing, management and culture, human resources, application techniques and expansion of market, so as to grasp new opportunities, wele new challenges and promote continuous and stable development of world fireworks industry.
第二条 国际烟花协会(英文名称为INTERNATIONAL FIREWORKS ASSOCIATIONG,简称IFA)是非政府的、具有法人资格的国际社会团体,总部设在中国浏阳。
Article 2 International Fireworks Association (IFA) is a non-governmental international association which has legal person’s qualification with its headquaters located in Liuyang, China.
第三条 国际烟花协会的宗旨与指导思想Article 3 the purpose and guiding ideology of IFA
1. IFA devotes itself to strengthening international cooperation in order to promote and maintain safety, quality and technology of production.
2. To take market economy as principle, the government shall create an excellent operation environment and support the development of IFA by means of more support and less interference. When policy-making bodies of all countries make and implement policies, they shall take into account the effects of policies on all members of IFA and ask for IFA’s opinions if necessary. The government shall enhance cooperation with local mercial anizations, especially with the anizations that stand for IFA in order to better share resources and promote development of IFA.
3. IFA shall improve its ability of adapting to the continuously changing economic environment through various support systems.
4. The thinking and management mode of members of IFA shall keep pace with times and they shall attach more importance to management quality to ensure the long-term development of enterprises.
5. The present course of action---providing support services through various means shall be maintained. That is, all government ans and anizations shall cooperate and plement mutually to provide different services for IFA.
6. IFA shall work out measures to deal with difficulties and challenges that are often met by the members so as to attract attention of relevant govenments and various anizations and solve them through governments’ coordination. Governments shall urge mercial and industrial anizations, specialized groups and scientific reseach institutions to provide aid for IFA’s special need.
7. Under the tendency of new economy, qualified human resources are of the utmost importance to the consolidation and development of IFA. Therefore, the supply of qualified human resources shall be increased.
第四条 国际烟花协会的总目标Article 4 The general aim of IFA
1. The aim is to connect all fireworks lovers in the world, form a strong and unified power, ensure continuous development of fireworks industry and let fireworks send happiness throughout the world.
2. standard: to unify the safety standards and quality standards of fireworks in the world and promote faster standarization of fireworks industry.
3. safety: realizing the necessity of reducing and eliminating fireworks incidents, no matter how large the difficulty is, we shall take measures to protect public safety, guarantee future development of fireworks industry and make concerted efforts to eliminate the production, import and export of unsafe products.
4. quality: to strengthen quality regulation of fireworks and punish and expose those conducts that he no regard for fireworks products’ quality and create negative effects on this industry.
5. techniques: to develop new technology of fireworks manufacture through employing new materials, new equipments and new craft.
6. intellectural property rights: to educate the employed and let them realize the necessity of protection of intellectural property rights and ensure all sides to observe regulations.
7. education: to make and start an education plan which includes safety, quality, new technology and intellectural property rights protection of fireworks.
8. to win over all governments’ support to fireworks industry through their policies and strive for various preferencial policies on taxes etc.
第二章 会员条件Chapter 2 Membership
第五条 国际烟花协会的发起成员由中国、美国、英国、加拿大、法国、荷兰、意大利、德国、日本、香港等国家和地区的烟花组织构成。
第六条 全世界的烟花组织、年销售额在100万美元以上的烟花生产企业和年销售额在500万美元以上的烟花经营企业,经自愿申请,承认本章程的,均可加入国际烟花协会。各国主管烟花的政府部门可申请作为国际烟花协会的观察机构。
Article 5 The initiators of IFA are made up of fireworks anizations of China, United States, Canada, France, Holland, Italy, Germany, Japan, Hongkong and other countries and regions.
Article 6 Fireworks anizations in the world, fireworks production enterprises with annual sale amount over 1 million dollars and fireworks operation enterprises with annual sale amount over 5 million dollars, if they apply voluntarily and admit this Regulation, may join IFA. Fireworks regulatory government ans may apply as observation bodies to IFA.
第七条 会员享有下列权利Article 7 Members enjoy rights as follows:
1. to he the right to elect , right to be elected and right to vote in the association.
2. to supervise work of association, make criticism and suggestions and report members’ behiour that breaches the regulations.
3. to report problems that exist in production and management of all countries and put forward opinions and demands.
4. to take part in various activities of the association.
5. to enjoy all preferencial policies on tax etc that are gained by the association.
6. The observation ans enjoy the above rights except item 1 and 5 of this article.
第八条 会员必须履行下列义务Article 8 Members shall performance obligations as follows:
1. to observe laws and rulesl of all countries, pay taxes according to laws and pay membership dues according to the regulations.
2. to obey regulation of the association and conscientiously receive the supervision and examination of the association.
3. to actively take part in all activities of the association.
4. to observe regulations of the association and execute decisions of the association.
第九条 会员有退会的自由,会员要求退会,必须先提出书面申请,说明退会理由,经协会理事会同意方可退出。
Article 9 Members he the freedom to withdraw from the association. When they withdraw, they shall provide written application and explain withdrawal reasons and can only withdraw by consent of executive council of the association.
第三章 组织机构Chapter 3 anizations and ans
第十条 协会的最高权力机构是全体会员代表大会,协会的执行机构是理事会,协会的日常工作机构是秘书处。
Article 10 The highest power body of the association is the representative assembly of all members. The executive body is executive council and its daily working body is secretariat.
第十一条 协会会员代表大会行使下列职权
Article 11 The representative assembly of all members exercise powers as follows:
1. to amend the regulations.
2. to discuss and decide work guiding principles and tasks.
3. to examine and check work report and financial balace report of the association.
4. to elect new-term executive council.
5. to discuss and decide whether to admit new members.
6. to discuss and decide other important activities and items of the association.
第十二条 协会会员代表大会闭会期间,由协会理事会执行代表大会的决议,领导协会工作。
Article 12 When the the representative assembly of all members is not in session, the executive council implements decisions of representative assembly and direct the work of the association.
第十三条 协会理事会设会长1名,副会长若干名,理事若干名,由全体会员代表大会选举产生。每届理事会的任期为两年。
第十四条 协会秘书处完成理事会交给的各项工作任务,负责组织每届年会和处理日常事务等。
第十五条 秘书处设在中国浏阳,由一位秘书长和若干工作人员组成。秘书处的经费预算在协会年会上讨论决定。
Article 13 The executive council has one president, a certain number of vice-presidents and directors who are voted by the representative assembly of all members. The term of each executive council is two years.
Article 14 The secretariat of the association pletes all tasks that are given by executive council and is responsible for the annual meeting and dealing with daily affairs.
Article 15 The secretariat is established in Liuyang, China, which is posed of one secretary- genenral and a certain number of working personnel. The funds buget of the secretariat shall be discussed and decided on the annual meeting of the association.
第十六条 国际烟花协会至少每年召开一次年会,年会在协会发起成员国间轮流召开,首届会议确定在中国浏阳市召开,以后在每届年会上确定下两届年会的召开地点。
第十七条 协会纲领的决定、目标的修订、有关管理方针和其它重要事项决策须有三分之二以上的会员投赞成票方可通过。会员可通过其委托方投票,但委托书须在年会召开的10天以前呈交秘书处。
Article 16 IFA convenes the annual meeting at least once every year. The annual meeting is held in initiator countries in turn. The first meeting will be held in Liuyang China and the locations of the next two meetings will be decided on each annual meeting.
Article 17 No decision of guiding principle, modification of aim and policy decisions about management and other important items will get through without affirmative votes of over 3/2 members. Members may vote by their trustors but the trust deed must be submitted to the sacretariat 10 days ahead of the holding of annual meeting.
第四章 经 费Chapter 4 Funds
第十八条 协会的经费来源。
Article 18 sources of funds of the association
1. membership dues that are paid by all members and observation bodies.
2. deposit interest of banks
3. support of relevant units and personages of various circles
4. ines of paid services provided by the association
5. profits gained by anizing some activities
第十九条 会费标准:每个正式会员每年应缴会费5000美元,每个观察机构每年应缴会费2000美元。
第二十条 协会的任何成员均可向年会提交修改会费数额的提案,如提案经出席成员或其有效委托人投票通过,会费数额可作调整。
第二十一条 协会的经费,必须专款专用。
Article 19 standard of membership dues: each formal member shall pay membership dues of 5000 dollars and each observation body shall pay 2000 dollars.
Article 20 Any member of the association may submit motions on modifying membership dues amount to the annual meeting. If the motion is passed by voting of present members or their valid trustors, the membership dues amount may be adjusted.
Article 21 The funds of the association shall be earmarked for their specified purpose only.
第五章 奖励和惩罚Chapter 5 Rewards and punishments
第二十二条 对履行会员义务、执行协会决议好的会员,以及工作成绩突出的协会工作人员,在每年召开的会员大会上给予表彰和奖励。
第二十三条 对不履行会员义务,或不执行协会决议的会员,根据情节轻重,分别给予警告、通报、罚款、取消会员资格的处罚。
第二十四条 会员单位对处罚有异议时,允许在15天内提请理事会复议。拒绝执行处罚决定的,取消其会员资格。
Article 22 Those members that well performance members’ obligations and execute decisions of the association and staff members that gain outstanding results will be cited and given rewards on annual members’ meeting.
Article 23 To those members that fail to performance obligations or execute decisions of the association, punishments of warning, circulation of a notice of criticism, fines or deprivation of membership will be given according to the seriousness of each case.
Article 24 In case member unit has objections to the punishments, they are allowed to ask for reconsideration of executive council. If they refuse to execute the decision of punishment, their membership will be deprived.
第六章 附 则Chapter 6 Supplementary Articles
第二十五条 本章程经协会会员代表大会讨论通过后实施。
第二十六条 本章程解释权属协会理事会。
Article 25 The Regulations shall be put into effect after discussion and approval of the representative assembly of all members.
Article 26 The right to interpret belongs to executive council of the association.
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