

05月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于团队合作精神的名人名言]1、为了进行斗争,我们必须把我们的一切力量拧成一股绳,并使这些力量集中在同一个攻击点上。——恩格斯 2、只要千百万劳动者团结得像一个人一样,跟随本阶级的优秀人物前进,胜利...+阅读

Currently,team work is of great significance in people's life and study.However every corn has two sides.It has advantages as well as disadvantages.

It's no wonder that some people hold the opinion that team work does more good than harm.First and foremost,in terms of efficiency, with more people,we can finish a specified task more quickly.Besides,via team work, different person's abilities will be made best use of.Last but not least,we have a chance to improve ourselves while cooperating with others.

Nevertheless,critics don't take it the same way.They claim that team work has more drawbacks.On the one hand,it is difficult for us to divide a work reasonably.On the other hand,if any member of the team doesn't do his(her) work well,then the whole work will be held back.

To sum up,whether team work has more merits or not,it's depend on what work you are going to do


关于团队合作的名言马卡连柯:即使是最好的儿童,如果生活在组织不好的集体里,也会很快变成一群小野兽。 马卡连柯:每当我们给个人一种影响的时候,而这影响必定同时应当是给予集体的一种影响。 伊林娜...

写两句关于团队合作的名言oK1、人心齐,泰山移。——谚语 2、三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。——谚语 3、众人拾柴火焰高。——中国谚语 4、民齐者强。——荀子 5、团结一条心,石头变成金。 6、用众人之力,则无不...

求一篇一百字左右的英语短文关于团队合作的利与弊Currently,team work is of great significance in people's life and study.However every corn has two sides.It has advantages as well as disadvantages. It's no won...

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一篇一百字左右的英语短文关于团队合作的利与弊Overall, this English passage merits a high score for its clarity, vocabulary usage, and coherent expression of ideas....
