[门市房租赁合同协议书范本]甲方: 乙方: 为活跃经济,服务社会。经过甲、乙双方商议,现就有关门市房租赁事宜达成以下协议,共同遵守执行。 一、租赁场地为滨江公寓东侧临街第二铺面,其营业室面积约47平方米。...+阅读
单位名称: 社保编号:
申报人签字: 手机号码: 固定电话:
申报时间: 年 月日
The property insured shall refer to all properties and expenses specified in the Schedule of this Policy.
Unless specifically agreed upon in writing between the Insured and the pany and appraised and value-established by professionals or assessors, the following articles and the expenses relevant thereto shall not be covered under this Policy:
1. Gold, silver, pearls, diamonds, precious stones and jades;
2. Antiques, articles of virtue, ancient coins, ancient books and ancient paintings;
3. Works of art or postage stamps;
4. Advertisements, aerials, neon, pieces of
solar energy apparatus etc. on buildings;
5. puter system records or its making and copying costs.
Under no circumstances shall the following articles relevant thereto be covered hereunder:
1. Guns, ammunition or explosives;
2. Banknotes, securities, bills, documents, files, account books or drawings;
3. Animals, plants and agricultural crops;
4. Mobile phones, portable puters, removable photograph apparatus or other precious articles;
5. Vehicles licensed for general transport use.
The pany shall indemnify the Insured in respect of the physical loss of or damage to the insured property stated in the Schedule during the period of insurance directly arising from the following perils:
1. Fire;
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