

02月26日 编辑 fanwen51.com


借款合同中文范本借款单位:_______________法定代表人:________贷款单位:_____________法定代表人:________保证单位:____________法定代表人:________签约日期:________根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的规定,借款方为保证施工生产正常进行,向贷款方申请建筑企业流动资金贷款,经贷款方审查同意发放,为明确各方权责,特签订本合同共同遵守。第一条 本合同规定____ 年贷款额为人民币(大写)____ 万元,用于____ 。

第二条 借款方和贷款方必须共同遵守贷款办法,有关贷款事项按办法规定办理。第三条 贷款自支用之日起,按实际支用数计收利息,利率为月息____ ,超计划贷款的超过部分利率为月息____ ,逾期贷款加计利息20%,挪用贷款挪用部分加罚利息50%。第四条 贷款方保证按照本合同的规定供应资金,贷款方如因工作差错贻误用款,以致借款方遭受损失时,应按直接经济损失,由贷款方负责赔偿。

第五条 贷款方有权检查贷款使用情况。检查时,借款方对调阅有关文件、帐册、凭证和报表,查核物资库存和施工生产情况等,必须给予方便。第六条 借款方如违反合同和贷款办法的规定,贷款方有权停止贷款,提前收回部分或全部贷款。第七条 担保方对借款方归还贷款本息承担责任,如果借款方未按期清偿贷款本息时,担保方应在接到贷款方还款通知后一个月内负责归还。

第八条 本合同有效期:自____ 年____ 月____ 日起,至___ _ 年____ 月____ 日为止。本合同正本一式三份,签章各方各执一份。借款方:____________(盖章)________ 代表人____________贷款方:____________(盖章)________ 代表人____________担保方:____________(盖章)________ 代表人____________借款合同英文范本Contract Number: _____________BORROWER: ________________Address: _________________LENDER: __________________Address: _________________In accordance with provisions of Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China and Bank of China, after reviewing the status and the request of the Borrower, the Lender agrees to grant the Borrower a line of credit on . The Borrower, Lender and Guarantor, through friendly negotiation, he executed this Contract as follows:ARTICLE 1 CURRENCY, AMOUNT AND TERM OF THE LOAN:1. The Currency under this loan is Reiminbi.2. The Line of the loan is yuan.3. The period of this loan is 12 months from the date of effectiveness of this contract.ARTICLE 2 THE PURPOSE OF THE LOAN:1. The purpose of this loan is used for working capital turnover.2. Without written approval of the Lender, the Borrower could not use the loan out of the scope of the purpose.ARTICLE 3 INTEREST RATE AND CALCULATION OF INTEREST:1. Interest rate: The interest rate shall be [***] During the loan term, if the countrys related authority adjusted the interest rate or the manner of calculation of interest, the interest of this contract shall be adjusted accordingly after one year from the date of execution of this contract. The adjustment shall be conducted when the interest rate are executed one year.It is not obliged to inform the Borrower when the adjustment of interest.2. The interest shall be calculated from the date of first drawdown and the actual days the borrower use. One year shall be calculated as 360 days.3. The payment of interests: The Borrower shall pay the interests per quarter. The payment date shall be , and. If the payment for the last installment is not on the payment date,the interests shall deduct the interest from the bank account of the Borrower. In the event that the Borrower fails to pay the interests on time and the balance of the account of the Borrower is not enough for the payment of interest, the Lender shall he rights to collect a penalty being [***] of the outstanding amount per day for the Borrowers breach of contract.ARTICLE 4 OVERDUE INTERESTS AND MISUSING INTERESTS1. If the Borrower fails to repay the loan and can not reach a agreement with the Lender regarding the extension, the Lender shall collect an overdue penalty for [***] of the overdue amount per day.2. If the Borrower fails to uses the loan in accordance with the provisions set forth in this contract, the Lender shall he right to charge a interests for the misusing part at a rate of [***] per day.ARTICLE 5 ACCOUNTThe Borrower shall open Reiminbi basic account and/or foreign currency account at the Lender or Lenders branch for the use of draw-down, repayment,payment of interests and fees.ARTICLE 6 DRAW-DOWN1. The loan under this contract is revolving, the balance of this contract shall not more than the line of credit.2. The Borrower shall send a draw-down application as the form herein attached in this contract 7 days before the date of draw-down.3. The Borrower shall not draw the loan less than 1 million.ARTICLE 7 CONDITIONS FOR DRAW-DOWNThe following conditions shall be satisfied in advance of the draw-down date:1. The Borrower has opened foreign account and Reiminbi account at the office of the Lender or the branch of the Lender;2. This contract and the appendices he been effective;3. The Borrower has provided the recognition of the investment or certificate of the investment to the Lender;4. The Borrower has provided the board resolution and power of attorney regarding this loan contract;5. The Borrower has provided the list and the signature sample of the authorized person who empower to sign this contract and documents;6. The Guaranty under this contract has been effective;7. The Borrower has been satisfied the warrants under Article 11 of this contract;8. The other requirement for the draw-down he been satisfied.







民间车辆抵押借款合同车贷分押车与不押车两种贷款形式。押车:把车辆移交到公司、代为保管、有专门存放汽车的停车场,24小时有专人看管,定期给车辆打火热车 。不押车:客户可以选择只是把手续押在公司,...


房屋合租合同范本下载房屋合租合同范本【最新】 甲方:_____________________________ 身份证号码:_______________________ 乙方:_____________________________ 身份证号码:_______________________...

