[财务人员劳动合同范本]原发布者:连接科技 编号:劳动合同甲方(用人单位)名称:法定代表人(主要负责人):联系电话:乙方(劳动者)姓名:户籍所在地:现居住地址:身份证号码:联系电话:甲乙双方根据《中华人民共和国劳动合...+阅读
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing this letter to strongly recommend Mr. Zhou, a worthy youth, as a prospective candidate for your graduate program. As a former teacher of Mr. Zhou, I know him very well.
Mr. Zhou is enrolled in my class of Computer Network. He was always very active in class, coming up with novel and persuading solutions to questions met with in practical cases. He listened to the class very attentively; his notes were always clear and clean. And he was always the active student in the discussion with the classmates and me. I was delighted to see that some of his questions were thoughtful. Some of his comments showed that he grasped the fundamental theories of the subject well and he had obvious got a lot of nutrition from extensive readings.
He once told me that he enjoyed my class because he is interested in computer technology; and my class satisfied his curiosity of the world of computer network. With keen curiosity and intuition, he was always trying to get a thorough understanding of every important concept of my class.
And I would like to add that Mr. Zhou is a nice young boy. Through my association with him, I found him Active, enthusiasm, sociable, considerate and ready to help others. He wiped the blackboard for me at the end of my class sometimes and often bought his note book for his classmates who fell to take notes in my class.
Because of Mr. Zhou's diligence and trustworthy personality, I am sure you will find him a diligent and pleasant person to work with. I recommend him to you without any reservation.
Yours honestly,
Associate Professor
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