

01月06日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁能给我一个关于工程投标中用到的工程款专用承诺书]承诺书 致:XXXXXX单位 我单位在XXXXX工程施工招标中,如有幸中标在这项工程的实施过程中,我们除响应本项目资格预审文件和招标文件的所有条款、履行合同内容外,并郑重承诺: 为保证...+阅读

Assurance of Equipment's Quality: 1. Products that conform to design standard and acceptable quality level are to be supplied according to the contract's specifications. 2. On the basis of the contract's stipulation, department of the ordering (requesting) party is to be provided with related standard and drawings, as well as accessibility and condition. Assurance of Delivery: 1. To deliver according to the time and location as specified in the contract. 2. Goods are to be delivered according to form of packing; the mode of transport as stipulated in the contract. Technical Assurance: 1. To provide ordering party, in time, all technical information and drawings as stipulated in the contract. Supplier would carry out timely technical service on site when required, and to give ordering party guidance, on the basis of supplier's technical information and drawings, to carry out installation. 2. To meet ordering party's requirement on spare parts and tools at all time. Compensation on the Violation of Agreement: For any loss as a consequence of the violation of the agreement's stipulations, with respect to product quality and delivery, supplier would undertake to assume corresponding financial responsibility in accordance with the agreement's terms and conditions and related legal regulations.


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适合婚礼用的歌曲最好是英文1、《A Groovy Kind Of Love》-Phil Collins 2、《A Love So Beautiful》-Michael Boton 3、《A Whole New World》-阿拉丁主题曲 4、《Again》-Jennifer Lopez 5、《Agains...

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