[期末总结800字]、这个学期结束了。在这个学期里,老师为我们的学习付出了许多心血,我们也为自己的学习洒下了许多辛勤的汗水。这次期末考试,我的每门功课,都取得了比较好的成绩。 总结这个学期...+阅读
A new start of my life The summer vacation has soon gone with the wind,there was nothing but the pleasant memory of the holiday was still living in my mind." How I wish I could enjoy the things angain"I said to myself, I kenw that couldn't be ture,though. I gained a lot during this holiday, I got to know the importance of time bsides playing with my freinds,I also learned how to fish with the help of my father, did the housework instead of mum,went to the supermarket with my grandma,though I didn't do very well,I had tried my best.Thinking about this I felt a little sad,but I knew a new start of my life would soon begin.Then I have to face the new problems in studing,and work hard as much as possible.I want to get good marks and praise by my teacher. I am a teenager now,I have to think over more. I guessed many student would be dissppoined like me when the shool began. But now we have to be strong, because we 'll learn more next term. 译文: 人生的新起点 这个暑假早已迅速的随风飘走了,我的脑海中除了这个假期愉快的回忆之外全都是一片空白.尽管那是不符合实际的,但我依然自言自语地说"我多么想在经历一次那些美好的回忆. 在这个假期中我也收获许多,除了和伙伴们一起玩之外我了解到了时间的重要性,同时我还在爸爸的帮助下学会了钓鱼;替妈妈做了很多家务活;和奶奶一起去了自由市场.尽管我做的并不是很好,但是我尽了自己最大的努力。想着想着我感觉有些淡淡地悲伤,然而我很快意识到我人生的新起点就要到来了。我要面对学习生活中新的问题,并且尽我的能力努力学习。我想要得到理想的分数和老师的夸赞。我现在是一名青少年了,我将要去思考更多的问题。我猜想一定有同学和我一样当假期过去新学期来临的时候感到失望。但我们要坚强,因为在新的学期我们将学到更多。 P.S.你也可以自己做一些删改,因为我写的并不是很好!!
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我想一篇英文暑假总结急急急Summary of Summer Vacation Time always slips away, the end of summer vacation is around the corner. Besides finished my homework, I did a lot of meaningful thin...
需一篇英语作文总结暑假生活Summer vacation is coming to an end now, and when I recall my holiday, I have done many things. I learn to swing with my parents, do excercise with my friends e...
请帮我写一份英语的暑假总结不少于50字悬赏分很高急求越快On this holiday , I have much happy time .And I feel I should learn more because mang things are strange . I not only play with my friends but also visit mang i...
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暑期总结怎么写英语Summer holiday is coming to the end. I feel a little excited about such a beginning of a new term. First of all, I want to summarize my summer holiday. I think...