

01月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[初一到初三的英语归纳]初中英语句型整理 一、以形式主语it引导的句型。 句型1. It happened(chanced) that +clause. = sb. happened /chanced sth. = sb. did sth. by chance. 如: It happened th...+阅读

摘要 扩大城乡居民消费,增强消费对整个经济增长的带动作用已成为扩大内需的重点之一。近年来,不同地区之间、城乡居民之间的收入差距逐渐拉大,形成了不同的消费取向、消费行为,消费结构、消费需求的分化日益显著。表现在消费取向上,是消费呈多元化、细分化趋势,即一部分消费者遵循传统的消费习惯,消费以实用为主,讲求节约和理性;一部分消费者则取向新潮,讲究精致的生活享受和消费品位。


消费形态的复杂多变,影响了即期消费需求的扩张。在目前消费日趋复杂多元的情况下,关注消费者的消费取向与消费行为的变化,对于正确引导消费、指导生产、扩大内需有十分重要的意义。 Abstract Consumption of urban and rural residents to expand and enhance the economic growth of consumption on the leading role of expanding domestic demand has become one of the focal points. In recent years, different regions, between urban and rural residents, the income gap between gradually widening, formed a different consumer orientation, consumer behavior, the consumption structure, the growing consumer demand in the division significantly. Performance in the consumer orientation, is a diversified consumer breakdown of the trend, that is part of consumers to follow the traditional consumption habits, consumer oriented to practical, emphasis on conservation and rational; part of the consumer orientation of trendy, stress and enjoy the exquisite life Consumers. Particularly as the rapid growth of the national economy, the residents of the increasing disposable income, consumer confidence and consumer behavior also will be corresponding changes have taken place, on the one hand there are the escalating consumer demand, and the other big consumer market for In demand, coupled with competition in the market was not standardized, and because of consumer expectations for the future trend of conservative, so Chibidaigou wait-and-see consumer behavior is also widespread. In the cities, five different consumer-oriented consumer behavior dominate the consumer market in rural areas, the gap between the level of income is determined by the difference in consumer behavior. The complex and changing consumption patterns, the immediate impact of the expansion of consumer demand. In the current consumption of the growing complexity of multiple circumstances, the orientation of consumer spending and consumer behavior changes, the correct guidance for consumption, guiding production, expanding domestic demand are of great significance.


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