

11月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com




  1. 1. Unit 1: In this unit, we learned about daily routines, and I can now describe my typical day in English.
  2. 2. Unit 2: The focus was on family relationships, and I learned how to talk about my family members and their personalities.
  3. 3. Unit 3: This unit covered hobbies, and now I can express my likes and dislikes regarding different activities.
  4. 4. Unit 4: We studied school life, and I can now discuss various aspects of school, subjects, and school activities.
  5. 5. Unit 5: The topic was travel, and I learned vocabulary and phrases related to transportation and travel experiences.
  6. 6. Unit 6: We explored different cultures, and I can now compare customs and traditions from various countries.
  7. 7. Unit 7: The environment was the main theme, and I can discuss environmental issues and solutions in English.
  8. 8. Unit 8: This unit focused on technology, and I learned vocabulary related to gadgets, the internet, and social media.
  9. 9. Unit 9: We discussed health and fitness, and I can now talk about a healthy lifestyle and give advice.
  10. 10. Unit 10: The final unit covered celebrations, and I can describe different festivals and celebrations in English.





  1. 1. 时态: 学习了一般现在时、过去时、将来时等时态,能准确运用在句子中。
  2. 2. 从句: 掌握了定语从句和状语从句的构造和使用,能够灵活运用。
  3. 3. 名词: 学习了可数名词和不可数名词的用法,包括复数形式和量词的搭配。
  4. 4. 形容词和副词: 学习了形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,能够进行比较描述。
  5. 5. 介词: 掌握了常见介词的用法,包括介词短语在句子中的位置。
  6. 6. 情态动词: 学习了情态动词的用法,包括can、could、may、might等的区别。
  7. 7. 被动语态: 了解被动语态的构造和使用,能够转换主动句为被动句。
  8. 8. 虚拟语气: 掌握了虚拟语气在条件句和表达建议等情境中的运用。



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