

01月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com


1. 表达观点:

  1. (1) In my opinion/In my view: 在我看来
  2. (2) From my perspective: 从我的角度来看
  3. (3) I firmly believe that: 我坚信...

2. 表示对比:

  1. (1) On the contrary: 相反地
  2. (2) In contrast to: 与...相对比
  3. (3) While/However: 然而

3. 引出例子:

  1. (1) For instance: 例如
  2. (2) Take... as an example: 以...为例
  3. (3) To illustrate: 为了举例说明

4. 表达原因:

  1. (1) Due to: 由于
  2. (2) Because of: 因为
  3. (3) Owing to: 由于

5. 表达结果:

  1. (1) As a result: 结果是
  2. (2) Therefore: 因此
  3. (3) Consequently: 所以

6. 引出建议:

  1. (1) It is advisable to: 建议...
  2. (2) I would recommend: 我建议...
  3. (3) It is essential that: 非常重要的是...

7. 表达目的:

  1. (1) In order to: 为了
  2. (2) With the aim of: 以...为目标
  3. (3) For the purpose of: 出于...的目的

8. 表示时间先后:

  1. (1) Firstly/Secondly/Thirdly: 首先/其次/第三
  2. (2) Subsequently: 随后
  3. (3) Finally: 最后

9. 引起注意:

  1. (1) It is worth noting that: 值得注意的是
  2. (2) It should be emphasized that: 应该强调的是
  3. (3) Of particular importance is: 特别重要的是


In my opinion, environmental protection is a crucial issue that we should all pay attention to.

On the contrary, some argue that economic development should take precedence.

For instance, countries like Sweden have successfully implemented green energy solutions.

Due to the increasing global awareness of climate change, more people are turning to sustainable lifestyles.

As a result, we can anticipate a positive impact on the environment in the long run.

It is advisable to invest in renewable energy sources to ensure a greener future.

In order to achieve a sustainable society, we must reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

Firstly, we need to raise public awareness about environmental issues. Subsequently, governments should implement stricter regulations.

It is worth noting that individual efforts, no matter how small, contribute to the larger goal of environmental conservation.




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