[初中早恋主题班会]1、使学生充分认识到早恋的危害性,树立正确的恋爱观。 2、引导学生把爱慕化为纯洁的友谊,形成健康的异性交往观念,并能利用异性效应不断完善和提高自己,顺利地渡过青春期。 班会...+阅读
教学内容: 防溺水安全教育 教学目的: 1.提高安全意识,学习溺水安全的有关知识,在学习中增强与同学的合作交流意识。 2.初步了解溺水安全的有关内容,要求每一个学生都要提高安全意识。 3.自己能改变生活中不遵守溺水安全的不良习惯,提高对生活中违反安全原则的行为的辨别能力。 教学重点:学习溺水安全的基本知识,培养有关防范力。 教学过程:
一、老师谈话引入 同学们,你们好!今天我们学习溺水安全知识。我们是四年级的小学生了,知道我们是21世纪的主人、是祖国的未来、民族的希望。我们爱学习、爱劳动,是充满生机的新一代。我们在党的温暖的阳光下成长,在老师的悉心哺育下一天天长大。我们是肩负重任、跨世纪的新苗。可是,我们却经常听到一些溺水事故的发生,看到一些触目惊心、惨不忍睹的灾难在我们身边发生。那我们该怎么预防呢?
二、活动设计 1.老师先向学生讲几点防溺水的知识要点 (1)教育学生周末、节假日、寒暑假严禁到溪里、水库、池塘、无盖的水井边等处戏水、游泳。不能独自或结伴到河边、水库、池塘边钓鱼、游泳、玩水。 (2)教育学生在来校、离校的途中千万勿去玩水,下江游泳。 (3)我们是小学生,很多同学都不会游泳,如果发现有学生不慎掉进江河、水库、池塘、水井里等,未成人不能冒然下水营救,应大声呼唤成年人前来相助或拨打“110”。 2.老师谈谈事例,并由学生扮演小品 上学期××学校在周末,几名学生到自家门前的河边玩,有两名学生(姐弟俩)不慎溺水死亡。这个悲惨的事实告诉我们了什么?这几个同学违反了哪些安全规则?我们应如何遵守安全规则。 (1)议一议: 这几个同学违反了哪些安全规则? 我们应如何遵守安全规则? (2)把这几个同学的错误纠正过来。 (3)由这个事实谈谈我们的心得体会。
3、说一说 说说日常生活中应该如何保证游泳的健康和安全,避免溺水事件的发生? 对水情不熟而贸然下水,极易造成生命危险。万一不幸遇上了溺水事件,溺水者切莫慌张,应保持镇静,首先应打110报警,然后积极自救: (1)对于手脚抽筋者,若是手指抽筋,则可将手握拳,然后用力张开,迅速反复多做几次,直到抽筋消除为止; (2)若是小腿或脚趾抽筋,先吸一口气仰浮水上,用抽筋肢体对侧的手握住抽筋肢体的脚趾,并用力向身体方向拉,同时用同侧的手掌压在抽筋肢体的膝盖上,帮助抽筋腿伸直; (3)要是大腿抽筋的话,可同样采用拉长抽筋肌肉的办法解决。 对于溺水者,除了积极自救外,还要积极进行陆上抢救: (1)若溺者口鼻中有淤泥、杂草和呕吐物,首先应清除,保持上呼吸道的通畅; (2)溺者若已喝了大量的水,救护者可一腿跪着,另一腿屈膝,将溺者腹部放在屈膝的大腿上,一手扶着溺者的头,将他的嘴向下,另一手压在背部,使水排出; (3) 若是溺者已昏迷,呼吸很弱或停止呼吸,做完上述处理外,要进行人工呼吸。可使溺者仰卧,救护者在身旁用一手捏住溺者的鼻子,另一手托着他的下颚,吸一口 气,然后用嘴对着溺者的嘴将气吹入。吹完一口气后,离开溺者的嘴,同时松开捏鼻子的手,并用手压一下溺者的胸部,帮助他呼气。如此有规律地反复进行,每分 钟约做14—20次,开始时可稍慢,以后可适当加快。
三、小结: (1)通过这节课的学习,你懂得了什么? (2)教师小结:人的生命只有一次,幸福快乐掌握在你的手里,希望同学们通过这节课的学习,学会珍惜生命,养成自觉遵守溺水安全原则的好习惯。 Safety education class meetings - anti-drowning Teaching content: anti-drowning safety education Teaching purposes: 1. Improve security awareness, learning drowning security knowledge, enhanced sense of cooperation and exchange with students in learning. 2 a preliminary understanding of the content of drowning security requirements each student must raise safety awareness. Own can change lives of non-pliance the drowning safety of bad habits, improve the ability to distinguish on the the behior breach of security in the life. Teaching focus: learning the basic knowledge, drowning safety training on the prevention force. Teaching process: The teacher talk introduced Students, are you! Today we learned drowning safety knowledge. We are the fourth grade of primary school students, and to know that we are the masters of the 21st century, the future of our country, and the hope of the nation. Our love of learning and labor is a vibrant new generation. We grow up in the warm sunshine of the party, grew up next in the teacher's carefully nurtured. We are the important task of cross-century Xinmiao. But we often hear some drowning accidents, see some shocking, appalling disaster occurred around us. So how to prevent it? Second, the activities of design 1 teacher first speaking to the students the knowledge points of a few anti-drowning (1) to educate students on weekends, holidays, summer and winter vacations strictly prohibited to the river, reservoirs, ponds, without cap the well, etc. swimming, swimming. Not alone or together to the river, reservoir, pond fishing, swimming, play in the water. (2) education students to school, lee school on the way do not to play water xiajiang swimming. (3) We are a primary school, many students can not swim, if students fell into rivers, reservoirs, ponds, wells, not the adults can not temerity water rescue should be loudly calling for adults to e to help solve the problem or call 110. " 2 teachers to talk about the stories, by the students play skit × × school over the weekend, last semester, several students to the front of her house by the river to play, accidentally drowning deaths of two students (siblings). This tragic fact tell us? Several classmates violation of safety rules? How we should observe the safety rules. (1) proposed a meeting: Several classmates violation of safety rules? We should be on how to ply with the safety rules? (2) these few students errors rectified. (3) by the fact that talk about our feelings and experiences. 3, to talk about The talk everyday life should be how to ensure the health and safety of swimming, to oid drowning incidents occur? Hydrological unfamiliar rush into the water, can easily result in life-threatening. In case of unfortunate drowning incident, drowning was not to panic, keep calm, first hit 110, and positive self-help: (1) For the hands and feet cramps, if the finger cramps, you can hand a fist, and then forced open, quickly repeated a few more times, until the cramps eliminate; (2) If the calf or toe cramps, to puff Yang floating on the breath, the hand cramps limbs contralateral Hold the toes cramps limb, and the direction of the body and forced to pull ipsilateral palm pressure in cramps limb knee on, help cramps leg straight; (3) If the thigh cramps can be the same way to stretch the cramping muscle to solve. Drowning person, in addition to the positive self-help, but also actively onshore rescue: (1) drowned by the nose and mouth in the mud, weeds and vomit should first be cleared to maintain the patency of the upper respiratory tract; (2) Drowning If you drink a lot of water, the ambulance one leg kneeling, another Tui Quxi, drowning the abdomen on the knees of the thigh, hand and leaning on the female head, his mouth to next, the other hand is pressure in the back, so that the water discharged; (3) by drowning a, breathing is weak or stops breathing, After the above processing, artificial respiration. Drowning who can sit, ambulance around with hand and pinch the female's nose, and the other hand to his chin, breath, and then his mouth air blown into the front of the mouth of the drowning. The after blowing End breath, lee the mouth of Drowning, loosen the pinch the nose of the hand and hand pressure drowning by the chest, to help him breath. So regularly repeated about to do 14-20 times per minute, slower beginning, the future may be appropriate to speed up. III Summary: (1) learning through this lesson, you know what? (2) Teachers Summary: human life only once, happiness lies in your hands, I hope that students learn through this lesson, learn to cherish life, to develop a good habit consciously abide by drowning safety principles.
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