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09月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com


“奥运时间”结束文明遗产享用百年?两个奥运会除了给北京交通、环境、体育设施等带来丰厚的物质遗产,更给中国留下了一笔巨大的文明遗产。 刚刚结束的北京残奥会,被外媒评价为“在人道主义上取得的巨大成就”。...


有关于奥运的英语小品!?有关于奥运英语小品!谁有有关奥运英语剧本啊:我帮你翻译了一篇 忽忽人物:白云(B),黑土(H),小燕(X)白云上:"黑土走了吗?小燕上学走了吗?走了?都走了!剩下我白云,该我练练节目为了迎奥运参战...

急需奥运会作文英语的50词左右?急需奥运会作文英语的50词左右,初一英语小作文关于奥运的简单点 50词左右:As we all know,the 29th Olympic Games will be hold in Beijing,China.So it is necessary for us...

想知道一下奥运会英语名言?奥运会的英语名言有: 1、Faster, higher, stronger 更快、更高、更强 2、Participation in the Olympic Games is more important than winning 参与比取胜更重要 3、Peace,...

奥运英语作文?the 2008 olympic game has been the most cheerful and anticipated event throughout beijing ever since beijing was rewarded the right to host the 2008 summer olym...

奥运会运动会英语口号?1,2008北京奥运会口号 One world,One Dream.(同一个世界,同一个梦想) 2,2006都灵冬奥会口号 An Ever Burning Flame.(永不熄灭的火焰) 3,2004雅典奥运会口号 Wele Home.(欢迎回...

关于奥运会的英语演讲稿?【关于奥运会的英语演讲稿】 Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen: Bidding for the Olympic Games, in a way, an image-creating undertaking. The first and foremost...

用英语介绍奥运五环?The colours of the interlinked Olympic rings were chosen by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) , to represent the union of the 5 continents , Australia ,...

奥运英语演讲稿?Chinese people always appreciate the purposes and principles of Olympic ideal, support the efforts of Olympic Games to promote world peace. The Chinese Governme...
