

01月04日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[社会实践英文自我介绍希望英语能力强的您可以帮我翻译一下线面这]In this year summer social practice, I chose the local class teaching, I mainly responsible for English, sometimes on some mathematical problems, our class is s...+阅读

Zoe: Why have you got your shades on? It's not that sunny outside.

Helen: I know, but I've got a terrible headache and my eyes hurt in the light.

Zoe: Do you like wearing shades, Helen?

Helen: Oh yes, especially when it is sunny.

Zoe: Me too.How about in winter?Do you wear a pair of sunglasses in winter?

Helen: No. I only wear my shades in the sun.

Zoe: You must look cool in it.

Helen: Like a Hollywood star!

Zoe: Do you really think you look like a star after being in a pair of sun-glasses?

Helen: It's true though, my shades are really cool.

Zoe: All right.It really looks cool on you.

Helen: Anyway, let's recap – shades – is an informal word for sunglasses.

Zoe: Sun-glasses are shades,for many people,it's important to have a pair of sun-glasses。It's time to be over now。

Helen: Yes, we have to go. You've been listening to Real English from BBC Learning English. Bye.

Zoe: See you next time.


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