

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[明天会更好节目串词]范文一: 阳光总在风雨后,没有风雨的洗礼,又怎能拥有沐浴阳光的感受呢?相信那一大片乌云背后一定会有一缕阳光。明天会比今天更加美好。请欣赏我班同学带来的合唱曲目《明天会更...+阅读

1 Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was always in a red hat.She is so lovely that everybody loves her.look!Here she comes.Welcome our little girl!! 1-2 Thanks for our lovely girl! Ok , you may be angry at the wolf which wanted to eat the girl just now. Wolves are dangerous and ..er Listen!!Their is someone shouting--"The wolves are coming!!" 2-3 We learned a lot from the drama just now. It tells us to be honest.And we will learn something about friendship in this song.. 3-4 What a wonderful song!I almost lost myself in the beautiful melody. Alright, next, i'd like to introduce a man to you. Remember that he is very clever.. 4-5 Goodbye clever man! By the way, what kind of man do you like?A clever man like the mone just now?Well , to tell you the truth, I like Pretty Boys!! 5-6 I love that pretty boy so much!!What i want to do is Right Here Waiting. Wait for another pretty boy, or just another pretty song.. 6-7 Well, attention please!! We will have a beauty on the stage.See what will happen and just enjoy it! 7-8 Every time I read Snow White,I was lost in the small world of the story. But our world is not small. We are living in a Big Big World... 8-9 Who is the king of our big big world? Well you may say it is the god.I don't disagree.Have you ever meet the god? Is the god strong or wise or handsome? But I've heard someone telling me that God Is A Girl.... 终于写完啦~~希望对你有用咯 祝英语节成功!!


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