考研英语模拟题推荐?考研英语模拟题用【红宝书】 考研英语考前预测(最后冲刺3套题)这本书就是很不错的一套题考研英语模拟题随便做几套就好,没必要追求数量,这个不是数学,做得多见得题型多。 关键是...
这样复习职称英语?这样复习职称英语 复习经验 提前半年时间准备复习,重点是背单词和做模拟题。 1、背单词的目的是为了考试时做阅读理解速度加快,而不把时间浪费在查字典上。职称英语考试的单词...
英语四级练习技巧?英语四级,分值听力和阅读理解占得最多,如果你的这两项很好的话四级肯定没问题! 听力,一天半小时,也就是一套卷子的听力,一天听一篇,不用听太多,要坚持天天听,只听真题,不要看模拟题! 阅...
职称英语短语模拟题?职称英语短语模拟题 Beyond the Pap Scientists he known for some time that virtually all cases of cervical cancer are triggered by a family of viruses called huma...
职称英语理工类模拟题?职称英语理工类模拟题1 The high-speed trains can he a major impact on trel preferences.A forceB influenceC surpriseD power2 Can you follow the plot so far?A chan...
职称英语考试模拟题?职称英语考试模拟题,免费提供给大家交流参考! 1.Tom was late for work again. The boss was angry ________ him. A at B about C with 2.The bus will arrive ________ the...
职称英语考试词汇选项模拟题?职称英语考试词汇选项模拟题词汇选项1. Id very much like to know what your aim in life is.A. thoughtB. ideaC. planD. goal2. The policemen acted quickly because li...
职称英语综合类模拟题?职称英语综合类模拟题1 It is obvious that he will win the game.A likely B possibleC clear D probable2 The earth moves around the sun.A before B roundC after D over...
职称英语综合类C级模拟题?职称英语综合类C级模拟题 The Story of Lani Five-year-old Lani still takes seven medicines with her breakfast every morning。Shes very good about it says her fath...