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08月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com


有关宿舍安全的英文作文?有关宿舍安全的英文作文,宿舍生活如何保健英语作文:A meeting is going to be held in Room 103 of Building 3 at 7 on the evening of April 5.Problems to be talked about...

有关贫富差距的英文作文?Gap between the wealthy and poor As we know, only if balance each social stratum relations especially between the wealthy and poor can we have a euphonious soci...

急需一篇有关电脑优缺点的作文英文的?急需一篇有关电脑优缺点的作文英文的,关于电脑的好处电脑的坏处怎样正确使用电脑的文章作文:I knew very many people access the net, mainly is for playing games, which i...

求一篇有关比较过去和现在孩子的生活英文作文?求一篇有关比较过去和现在孩子的生活英文作文,帮忙急求一篇家乡变化的作文大约500字过去与现在对比的:Changes in people's life Great changes have taken piace in people's...

有关教师节的英文作文?A great teacher like you! Have a wonderful school year! 您是个很棒的老师,祝您学期愉快! Have a great year in school! 祝您学期愉快! For all the great things you say an...

有关奥运精神的英文作文翻译中文?Olympic Mental or Physical Hello, ladies and gentlemen: Nearly four years has gone by since we successfully bid for the 2008 Olympic Games. Have you ever think...

谁知道有关做菜的英文作文?Today is Sunday. It is 10:30 in the morning. My mother is teaching me how to cook rice. My mother says to me, “First, you must wash the rice and the pot carefu...

与动物有关的的英文作文?My Favorite Animal 我最爱的动物(写小兔子的) Last year, my father bought a lovely pet for me. She has four white paws and a white and short tail. She has two long...

和长城有关的英文作文100词?China's Great Wall is known to the world as one of the seven great wonders of the world. It is located in North China. It is over 6000 kilometres in length and...

请一篇有关英文的饮食健康的作文?Health is far more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health lead...
