机械类英语笔试题?机械类笔试试题 1. Briefly describe what is blanking(cutting), forming, coining and emboss ing in stamping process. 2. What is metal clading? 3. What is the purp...
德尔福机械类试题?德尔福机械类试题: 1,Briefly describe what is blanking(cutting),forming,coining and embossing in stamping process. 2,What is metal clading? 3,What is the purpose...
德尔福机械类笔试题?1,Briefly describe what is blanking(cutting),forming,coining and embossing in stamping process. 2,What is metal clading? 3,What is the purpose of adding glass f...
格力2013校园招聘机械类笔试题?填空题 1. 在尺寸标注中,要完整的标注某一图元的尺寸需标注其( )尺寸和( )尺寸。 2. 剖视图时用来表达零件的( )结构形状,剖面图是用来表达零件的( )结构形状。 3. 某外螺纹M2...
迈瑞机械类笔试题目?可以说迈瑞的笔试题足够给我洗了脑,把我之前浑浑噩噩的专业复习扇了一个重重的耳光。迈瑞的笔试量大,涉及面广,但是又是最基本的知识。现在具体说说题目(仅靠回忆): 1、首先是大...
聚光科技笔试题?它适合机械机电类岗位。题量有点大,四页纸,10道判断,10题选择,10题填空,2题简答计算,1题画图,3道附加题我把自己大概记得的写下来: 【选择题】:什么轴承不能承受轴向载荷标准麻花钻顶...