[急急急急急写一个关于责任心和粗心大意的检讨英文]Dear Professor: There are something I must say sorry to you. I handed my classmate's paper to you 'cause I got my paper lost carelessly.I feel very very remorse...+阅读
I have mastered basic knowledge in pharmacy and pharmaceutical laws and regulations. Meanwhile, I have good practical and operational abilities.
May 2008-July 2009, I worked as intern at Department of Pharmacy in Beijing Shunyi Hospital;
September 2December 2010, I worked as Medical Representative in Guotai Branch of Shunyi Medicine Company;
May 2011-August 2011, I worked as Medical Representative in Zhuhai United Laboratories Co. Ltd.
I have obtained Priliminary Oral English Certificate.
During my internship, I was highly appreciated by my tutors, and I had been awarded with the title of 'Outstanding Intern'.
急急急急急 !写一个关于责任心和粗心大意的检讨英文Dear Professor: There are something I must say sorry to you. I handed my classmate's paper to you 'cause I got my paper lost carelessly.I feel very very remorse...
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