

12月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[2015关于街头错别字小学生调查报告作文]一、由于读音相同或相近而造成的 比如说进写成了近,珍惜写成了珍稀等等,我们班同学中出现错别字概率最高的一组字是即与既,把即使写成了既使,把 既也写成了即也等。出现最多的一...+阅读


Hi, Im Zhao Jin. Im going to he an interesting weekend! On Saturday, Im going to do my homework in the morning. In the afternoon, Im going to learning NCE. In the evening, Ill be very happy! Why? Because I can play the puter. On Sunday, Im going to the supermarket. I want to buy some milk. I like the milk very much. Then,Im going to go home. In the afternoon,Im going to he a picnic with my mother. In the evening,Im going to watch TV.Oh!That will be fun!


Hello, Im Chen Sijia. Im going to he a busy weekend.

On Saturday morning,Im going to do my homework at home. In the afternoon,Im going to watch TV and read some books.On Sunday, Im going to learn English. After the English class ,Im going to visit my grandparents.We are going to eat lunch together. I think Ill be very happy.


Hi!This is Moon .Im going to he a busy weekend! On saturday,Im going to visit my grandparents by bus.Im going to buy a new book.Ten,Im going to go home and read the new books.On sanday,Imgoing to the supermark with my moyher.Were going eveing lunch.Ten, in the evening,Im going to visit my aunt.That will be fun! collected by

What are you going to do on the weekend?


Hi, my name is Chen Yi. Im going to he a busy weekend. On Saturday, Im going to learn NCE in the morning. Then, Im going to go home and do my homework. On Sunday morning, Im going to the bookstore by taxi. I want to buy some books. In the afternoon, Im going to visit my grandparents and read the new books. I like reading. At night, Im going to the park with my parents. I think that will be fun! What about you? Whats your weekend plan?


Hi, Im He Zhizhou. Im going to he a happy weekend! On Saturday, Im going to the zoo by bus. I want to see the monkeys. Then, Im going to go home and play puter for one hour. On Sunday morning, Im going to the supermarket with my mother. Then, Im going to the cinema. In the afternoon, Im going to the bookstore and buy some books. Then, Im going to read the new books at home. It will be very interesting!



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