Obtains the certificate computer country professional qualifications four levels (ATA) English four levels ships electricity technologist Intermediate maintenance electrician AUTO CAD2005 social practice and really teaches the base 2007-2008 year April to May in the school attached factory to practise the lathe worker, the milling-machine operator, fitter the 2007-2008 year second semester to do successively successively in the school laboratory has assembled the radio, the amp as well as the intermediate maintenance electrician practises to educate 2008 year July to August summer vacation in hundred Sichuan makes family education the 2008-2009 year first semester to do using the holiday in the Wuhan Fine Time passage Wedding Company plans 2009 year in March - in April to make PLC in the school laboratory really to teach 2009 year in June really to teach AUTO CAD in the school oneMonth theory curriculum the fundamental, the practical electronic technology, the electric power electronic technology, the programmable controller, the automatic control principle and the system, the ships electric drive, the ships power plant, the frequency conversion velocity modulation technology with applies, the microcomputer control technology, the ships signal and the system, the ships turbine automation, ship electricity specialized English
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请大家帮忙看看个人所得税月申报表的填写首先你需要明白一个问题,个人所得税是指针对个人收入所得而缴纳的税款。所以企业给个人缴纳国家规定的社保部分是肯定不算在这里面的,这和个人收入没有关系。 应发工资是指没...
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请帮忙写一份工作调动申请有高分相赠工作调动申请报告 尊敬的XXxx: 您好! 首先感谢您多年来对我的关心和照顾,同时感谢领导在百忙中审阅我的申请报告! 我系本社职工,在领导的关怀下我非常热爱本职工作。自1994年参加...