

01月13日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[要开始实习了需要关于英文商业信函的格式和范文]Your company name company address tel fax Date Your client name position company name address tel fax Dear... PURPOSE- you are not going to say the purpose of t...+阅读

Chinese culture is the Chinese nation 5000 years of traditional culture precipitation, but also for thousands of years of enduring popularity of the classic. We must read more Chinese culture, because of the saints and sages of the ancient past in classical Chinese to us too much inspiration, in the Chinese classics recorded a profound truth. Read more to see the Chinese culture, can let us understand the philosophy of life and philosophy.

Today, I finally finished the master Nan Huaijin Listen Speak Chinese culture "the book. After reading, I know the wisdom of Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and the wisdom of Chinese classics is infinite. Will Mr. nahuaijin on Chinese understanding are recorded, let us listen to masters of fine word witticism, feeling warm comfort unparalleled wisdom of life. The most let me remember a chapter is: "knowledge ability is to promote you to take off the wind", in "Chuang-tzu", a few words: the product of the wind is not thick, then its negative wing is unable. So in ninety thousand, the wind is in the next. And then are today from the wind with the blue sky; no one will die young, and then are today tunan. Mean, Dapeng bird to fly, not to have the wind, if the wind is not enough, the two wings of the bird have no way to start, not fly. The bird flew more than ninety thousand miles altitude, the atmosphere was underneath it. Bird to take off, the following is to rely on the wind, the more the more, the more easy to take off, the wings of a quick photo, took off. Mr Nan Huaijin uses this truth to describe life: "young people want to make a great cause, your knowledge, your ability, your talents are all to develop, it is your wind."

Listen to "speak" the book of Nan Ancient Chinese Literature Search told me a lot of truth, I like to read it very much.


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