

01月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[帮我翻译下办签证需要用的英文]1.身份证明:绿卡;公民护照的复印件 ID: greencard, copy of the passport particulars 2.当年(男方)签证美国时的护照首页及签证页 Copy of spouse's passport particulars and...+阅读

Your company name

company address

tel fax


Your client name


company name


tel fax


PURPOSE- you are not going to say the purpose of this email is that.... Be clever with your beginning<1 sentence>.

Detail- LIST 3 benefits of your product, and EXPLAIN each of them in one sentence (4 sentences maximum).

ACTION- I have attached a document which clearly explain all the benefits of our product (one sentence).

POLITE CLOSE- I'm looking forward for your response(1 sentence).

Yours Sincerely

Your name (typed, above space is for your signature)

Your position in your company


关于签证的英文问题不知道你是要准备什么签证 不过看问题感觉你应该是签F1吧? 签证面试重点是避免移民倾向,如8 9 10 11 12 13 14是需要重点对待的问题, 1-7的问题都是些基本信息, 照实说就是了 从...

开题报告这个词英文怎么说英语毕业论文题报告本科般一000-二000字吧研究点字数关键主要内容我写几都没给介绍莫文中国高手般性通 经贸英语语篇翻译策略探析 旅游景点英语翻译跨文化意识探析 跨文化交...

求会计开题报告英文翻译Cash audit Content abstract Cash is the strongest of liquidity in the enterprise or its assets, and enterprise supply, production, sales and other economic acti...

英文报告格式英语论文格式包括字体字号行间距段落缩进页英语专业论文格式规范 A Contrastive Study between English and Chinese Idioms (题目:二号,黑体,加粗,居中,除了英语小词外,其他单词首字母都要大写;另外:除了题目外,论文中所有英文...

写一篇关于上课玩手机被没收的英文检讨书Teacher, I'm sorry, on your class, I played my cell phone, a serious violation of class discipline, the discipline of the class group had serious impact on the...

谁有英文的实习报告实习报告.这些内容参考了:)~~ 1.In the first week, I learn much about the process of export. 2.In the second and third weeks, I practiced making the documents. 3.On...

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求一份英文实习report300字左右这是范文 这学期是我任教的第一学期,我担任初一级七班,八班的英语教学。由于教学经验颇浅。因此,我对教学工作不敢怠慢,认真学习,深入研究教法,虚心向前辈学习。经过一个学期的努...

为什么申请公司的管理培训生职位怎么回答好一些最好用英文Typical management trainee program usually includes training and practice of two parts; the training portion generally includes leadership training, corporate c...
