[荷兰留学奖学金分类及申请条件介绍是什么呢]1、奖学金分类 (1)橙色郁金香奖学金 橙色郁金香奖学金项目(OrangeTulipScholarship)由荷兰高等教育国际交流协会中国办公室(NesoChina)于2008年初创立,旨在为优秀的中国学生创造更...+阅读
[美国] 纽约大学(纽约) New York University (New York) 建校年代:1831年 所在省州:纽约州 所在城市:New York 学生人数:50000人 中国教育部是否认证:获得认证 成绩要求:Please mail or have the following mailed to:Office of Undergraduate Admissions New York University665 Broadway, 11th Floor New York, NY 10012-2339 Final High School Transcript All entering freshmen should be sure to let their high school guidance office know that they will be attending NYU and make arrangements to have their final high school transcript sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. You will not be allowed to register for fall courses and you will be dropped from courses for which you have preregistered if we do not have your final transcript.College Transcripts If you have completed college courses while in high school, NYU generally awards credit if the courses were taken at an accredited college or university, if the courses are similar to courses offered at NYU, and if you received a grade of C or better in the course. We do not grant credit for college courses taken during high school if the courses were also used to satisfy high school graduation requirements. You should have official college transcripts sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions as soon as possible after the completion of the course.Test Scores NYU awards credit for scores of 4 or 5 on most of the College Board Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations, and for grades of 6 or 7 on the International Baccalaureate (IB) higher-level examinations. You must have official scores forwarded to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to receive credit. The NYU code for AP scores is 2562.Advanced Standing From Other Educational Systems To be considered for possible advanced standing credit from other educational systems, you must submit an attested or notarized copy of your final GCE A-level results, the Relevé des Notes for the French Baccalaureate, Diploma di Maturita for the Italian Maturita, or the Certificat de Maturité for the Swiss Maturité. Official results should be submitted to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions as soon as they are available.
谁能介绍下荷兰留学奖学金申请详情呢1。 Orange Tulip Scholarship(OTS)橙色郁金香奖学金 橙色郁金香奖学金项目(Orange Tulip Scholarship)由Neso China于2008年9月正式创立,旨在为更多的优秀的中国学生创造更多...
荷兰留学奖学金申请条件有哪些1.学习成绩优秀,GPA不低于80%; 2.至少3年工作经验; 3.需要雇主(非大型或跨国公司)提名信,声明申请者毕业后仍可回原单位工作; 申请截止日期:3月1日。 申请步骤:首先申请荷兰院校的硕...
荷兰留学奖学金申请条件是什么1、Dutch Education: Learning at Top Level Abroad Delta 奖学金 Delta奖学金是在2001年的时候,由荷兰政府发起创立的。这类奖学金由荷兰政府直接拨款给荷兰的29所高等院校,...
怀卡托理工学院研究生申请条件是什么- 应用信息技术学硕士(等级9)(180个学分)* 学术条件: 获得计算机或者信息技术,或者相关学科领域的学士学位,在最后一年的全日制学习(或者同等标准的非全日制学习)中平均成绩达到B等...
阿卡达理工学院硕士申请资格是什么国际商务管理: -商务或其他相关领域学科的学士学位。(如果学士学位是商务之外的其他领域,申请人应仍有最低40的商科欧盟学分。) 以及 -完成高等教育学位(学士学位)后,至少3年相关工...
美本申请:哪些美国大学可接受SAT拼分答主整理了美国综合大学和文理学院中允许拼分的大学及分数区间,供题主考。 综合大学中文名称 SAT 25th-75th 芝加哥大学 1440-1600 斯坦福大学 1390-1580 麻省理工学院 1430-...
纽约大学如何申请到呢''纽约大学申请材料和要求‘’第一步:在网上完成普通申请资料的填写普通申请首先需要在NYU Common Application的网站上选择申请的校区,以及感兴趣的专业/项目。所需材料如下:...
我这个条件能申请纽约大学吗GPA最好再高些,3.2比较普通,不过你可以通过文书来说明低的原因,比如课程难,并且注明你的排名。 推荐信1封少了点,2-3封吧,如果再能搞到封校长的更好,能表明你在学校有足够大的名气...