

02月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[法国留学申请商学院原因有哪些]法国留学,对于法国留学读研究生的同学来说,申请法国留学商学院有必要了解下。 首先,法国商学院的英语授课都是国际项目,班级内大部分学生为国际生,因此比较英美澳加这些以英语为...+阅读

沃顿商学院MBA申请条件: Admissions Process and Requirements录取过程和要求 What are the minimum requirements to apply to Wharton?申请沃顿商学院的最低要求? The minimum requirements to be eligible to apply for admission to the MBA program are as follows: 有资格申请入读MBA课程的最低要求如下:

1、Completion of an undergraduate program in an accredited U。 S。 college or its equivalent in another country。在美国大学或在另一国完成本科学业。

2、Results of the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)。 (GMAT)或研究生入学考试(GRE)的成绩。

3、Submission of the Wharton application 提交美国商学院申请书

4、Results of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) unless you have earned an undergraduate or master's degree in an English-speaking country or from an institution in which English is the language of instruction。 To waive the TOEFL, you must include a letter requesting the waiver in your application AND documentation that your education was in English。 托福考试成绩。 What is the average TOEFL? Do you keep scores submitted in prior years? For international students entering Wharton in Fall 2011, the average TOEFL/iTOEFL score was 633/110。 We keep TOEFL scores submitted within the previous two years, or as long as they are valid (two years from the test date)。 If we cannot locate your official report, we will verify it with ETS。 Can I submit the English for International Opportunity (IELTS) exam results instead of the TOEFL? No。 Because we want to evaluate all candidates against the same measure, applicants need to submit the TOEFL。 The TOEFL is one tool we use to assess English proficiency。 We also pay careful attention to a student's GMAT (verbal percentile and AWA score), written and spoken English, recommender observations, and exposure to language, in addition to the GRE。 Applicants who earned a baccalaureate or advanced degree at an institution where the medium of instruction was English, or who have had considerable exposure to the language, may waive the test。 A waiver request may be submitted as part of your application。 I already have an MBA。 Can I apply to Wharton?我已经获得MBA学位。 我可以申请沃顿商学院吗? Yes you can apply。 We do not exclude candidates who have an MBA or any other graduate degree。 You should, however, fully explain your reasons for pursuing a second MBA in your application。 是的,你可以申请。我们不排除有MBA或任何其他研究生学位的候选人。然而,你应该充分解释你申请第二个MBA的理由。 I earned an undergraduate degree that only took 3 years。 Am I eligible to apply to Wharton?我只用了3年获得本科学位,我有资格申请沃顿商学院? There are a number of universities around the world that offer three year undergraduate programs。 If you have received a Bachelor's degree upon completion of such a program, you are eligible to apply to the Wharton MBA program。 世界各地的大学有很多提供为期三年的学士学位课程。如果你收到了这样一个方案完成后学士学位,您有资格申请沃顿商学院MBA课程。 How many applications do you receive for a given class? We receive 5,000-7,000 applications in a given year。 Of these, we generally admit about 1,000 candidates for a class of 800 students。 It is fair to state that approximately 75-80% of all applicants are qualified for admission。 Do I need an interview, and how can I arrange an interview?我是否需要面试?怎么安排面试? We interview by invitation only。 After we review the completed application, Wharton selects candidates for interviews。 No candidate is admitted without an interview。 我们的面试只能通过邀请。我们看完申请者的申请后,沃顿商学院会选择合适的面试的候选人。所有候选者都必须面试。 How long does it typically take for an applicant to receive an admissions decision after he/she has submitted his/her application?。



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申请法国留学商学院排名如何申请法国留学商学院排名如下,供去法国留学的同学们参考。 1 HEC 高级商业研究学院 2 ESSEC 艾塞克高等经济商业学院 3 ESCP-EAP 欧洲管理学院 4 EM LYON 里昂管理学院 5 ESC...

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