

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于一篇市场调研报告的英文翻译]1. 工作范围 市场研究服务DR计划将分为三个部分: •评价区域集装箱港口竞争力 •评价有竞争力的腹地/内陆运输问题和成本 •集装箱箱量预测/概况 Drewry将调查并确定在邻近地...+阅读

分布说明吧 1, the local government web survey of the population by age levels, such as the aging population bias. was little market potential; If bias is contrary younger; 2, the level of understanding of people's income, other footwear for reference, sports footwear purchase speculate grades to the choice of brand positioning prices; 3, a similar observation Pinpaidian sales, If not a typical sports category Pinpaidian subscription Store campaign counters for reference, Sales and marketing staff can chat know, the main purchasers asked orientation to the types of species and the type of shoes. contributory sell; 4, the city bought out potential observation located, as fewer local Monopoly brand, bought out the market is a better question to the development projects, with the local schools, enterprises, institutions, factories, mines links seek cooperation; 5, the mode of operation of inspection time, the options are : flagship boutique, a small, scattered Monopoly (CBD School), Market pavement, diversified operations. But generally, in a less developed market for sports shoes business or market potential, the number of the population problem. I have seen a population of the town of more than 10,000 Star Monopoly, his monthly sales, the main product positioning. According to local bars involved in the selection of suitable brands




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